Is this healthy?

2016-12-17 2:56 pm
For breakfast I had 1 persimmon and 20 small grapes with seeds in them.

For lunch I had skinless chicken breast steak with mushroom sauce as the topping, and some string beans and cooked carrots.

No dinner I wasn't hungry

Did I eat healthy enough? I started on my diet and I'm scared I might gain weight

回答 (3)

2016-12-17 6:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Don't be silly, a Toddler can't even gain weight from that diet.
2016-12-18 8:51 am
eat salad for dinner. you need 3 meals.
2016-12-17 3:03 pm
That's actually a good start, i don't ea dinner sometimes too when i dont feel like it. Its okay but try to eat something for dinner next time.

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