Is every job going to be as bad as your first fast food job?

2016-12-17 11:16 am
Okay so I'm 17 and I had my first job at sonic a couple of months ago. I really dreaded it. I would work 30+ hours during the summer and school and it was for three months until I quit. It really didnt help that I was super shy and asocial. My manager treated me like complete ****. I just want to know if every job will be like this. Will it get better if I aim for better jobs?

How much better can other jobs be?

回答 (7)

2016-12-24 4:50 am
No. But there will always be issues anywhere you work, more so in fast food or service related jobs. You can just learn to cope up or find employment in other industries.
2016-12-18 9:06 am
2016-12-17 1:17 pm
No, not every job. Once I had completed
my college education and started on my
career, I pretty much enjoyed all of them...
but to get there, I did fast food, janitorial,
landscaping, delivery driver, so on and so
forth, to pay for my schooling. Many were
"bad", but some were actually okay.

[Update:] How much better? Well, one job
I had was attendant at an arcade (these
used to be very popular before the days
of PS1's and Xbox's)... I got to play all
the games for free. Another gig I that
didn't suck was as an attendant at a
drive-in movie theater.
2016-12-17 11:33 am
That depends on you. If you develop marketable job skills and make a career, jobs can be rewarding, even fun. If you don't develop marketable job skills, then yeah, there's a pretty good chance every job you're ever going to have will suck.
2016-12-17 11:28 am
They will definitely get better, don't worry. Jobs in the food industry, especially fast food, are known for being terrible. Almost everyone I know who works and/or worked with food hated their life. Just find what your passionate about and pursue a career in it :-)
2016-12-17 11:18 am
2016-12-17 11:18 am
Fast food jobs suck

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