What do I do with too much solder on my guitar?

2016-12-17 10:40 am
I got my friend to solder my guitar input, but I can longer put my cord into the guitar

回答 (3)

2016-12-17 2:33 pm
Hello there,

I am sure you mean the output jack. Hard to imagine that someone would put enough solder on the terminals of the jack to block the channel so the plug will not fit into it. If that truly is the case, that much solder will very likely have grounded the jack out. Solder flowing from the hot terminal to the grounded body of the jack. If so, the jack must be replaced. Take the guitar to a guitar tech and have him inspect it to determine the problem. If there is solder blocking the channel of the jack, he will have to replace the jack.

2016-12-17 10:41 am
Solder is fairly soft.

If you don't have a solder gun then use a knife to scrape off the excess.
2016-12-17 12:04 pm
file it down

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:04:54
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