I signed up for a gym, and now regret it a little. Can you help justify my decision?

2016-12-17 7:09 am
Every time I go to the gym, (I've gone 3 times in the week and a half or so since I've joined) I just get so sore and it almost affects my working performance. So I stay in on days off and don't really go to the gym. But I'm still paying for it. I don't know at this moment whether or not it was a good decision to sign up for it, worst case scenario I lose $100. That's not bad, right?

回答 (2)

2016-12-18 9:05 am
The trained staff there can show you what machines to use and for how long to get the look you want to achieve....without soreness.
2016-12-17 8:10 am
Thats because you are weak, when you get fitter/stronger you want get so sore.

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