How do I avoid the Catholic confession?

2016-12-17 12:40 am
In April I'm turning 18 so I think I'm old enough to choose my own faith right?
Well I am an atheist in a family full of hardcore Catholics. I never told my parents that I don't share their beliefs because they would think I'm a disappointment and they would throw out my entire metal cd collection (they think that music brain washes me). I used to be Catholic too until I read the Bible about a year or two ago and it put me off the religion instantly.
Ever since then I still go to Church with them twice a week and pretend I'm praying. But now they want me to go confess before Christmas because I haven't for over a year... I can't confess, I am NOT religious, I don't believe in what they do and I can't pretend to confess infront of a priest like I can pretend to pray... Also I think wouldn't it be offensive to the religion if I pretended and said some sins just for the sake of it? How can I avoid it?

* To those saying I should just tell my parents... you don't get how crazy they are over religion. They would most likely disown me or force it down my throat. I don't need that on top of the issues I have with my mentally abusing father

回答 (12)

2016-12-17 12:51 am
2016-12-17 12:41 am
Dude stop being a chicken

If you want to live life as a head up your butt Atheist, then make a fricking stand

wishy washy piece of nonsense
2017-01-08 10:53 am
Yes, you are old enough. You need to make a choice.

Tell the truth to your parents or tell the truth to your priest. Your choice.

It might be easier to start with the priest. He might even have some advice on how to talk to your parents.

With love in Christ.
2016-12-17 12:51 am
quit religion
2016-12-19 1:19 pm
When you're 18, feel free to move out and leave your parents' lifestyle behind. Oh, leave their money behind, too.
2016-12-17 1:18 am
I would suggest two options:

One, lie and say you're busy on the day they want you to confess. Make plans with people so your schedule is too booked.

Two, pretend your sick so you can't go, though this is a weak solution.

Three, go and lie. You have nothing to loose, the Christian God is false anyways, and once it's over it is over.

Also these are good sites to learn about the real Christianity, not the one fundies push. It exposes it:
2016-12-17 1:07 am
It's very simple ... DON'T GO.

Confessing one's thoughts, dreams, and actions to an other human
is as desperate, base, useless, and personally irresponsible as it gets.

Deal with God, or not, on your own terms .... Confession + Repentance = No one else's business, but yours.
2016-12-17 12:54 am
Man up and tell the family what the score is with sky-daddy, what is the worst that could happen?

Maybe soften the blow a little with an intro before blurting out that your are an atheist with something like:

"...mum, dad, do you remember that day I realised Santa Claus wasn't true, and the day I stopped believing in the tooth fairy, well that day has come for God."
2016-12-17 1:21 am
Is the rite of reconciliation, including auricular confession (personal confession into the ear of a priest), as taught by the Catholic Church Scriptural?
The manner in which the priest is addressed
The traditional formula, still often used, is: “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been [length of time] since my last Confession.”—U.S. Catholic magazine, October 1982, p. 6.
Matt. 23:1, 9, JB: “Jesus said, . . . ‘You must call no one on earth your father, since you have only one Father, and he is in heaven.’”
Sins that can be forgiven
“The Church has always taught that every sin, no matter how serious, can be forgiven.”—The Catholic Encyclopedia (bearing the nihil obstat and the imprimatur), R. C. Broderick (Nashville, Tenn.; 1976), p. 554.
Heb. 10:26, JB: “If, after we have been given knowledge of the truth, we should deliberately commit any sins, then there is no longer any sacrifice for them.”
Mark 3:29, JB: “Let anyone blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and he will never have forgiveness: he is guilty of an eternal sin.”
How penance is to be shown
Frequently the confessor directs that the penitent say a specified number of “Our Fathers” and “Hail Marys.”
Matt. 6:7, JB: “In your prayers do not babble [that is, utter in a meaninglessly repetitious manner] as the pagans do, for they think that by using many words they will make themselves heard.”
Matt. 6:9-12, JB: “You should pray like this: ‘Our Father in heaven, . . . forgive us our debts.’” (Nowhere in the Bible are we commanded to pray to or through Mary. See Philippians 4:6)
Rom. 12:9, JB: “Do not let your love be a pretence, but sincerely prefer good to evil.”
2016-12-17 12:48 am
First, quit the RC Church.
Convert to the Anglican Communion.
2016-12-17 12:42 am
If you are 18, I assume you could drive yourself to confession, right? Tell your parents you are going, stay away for awhile, then come back, they will never know. If they say something to the priest, he won't remember with all the people that come to confess. but, honestly, you just just own up to the fact you are NOT religious and tell them so.
2016-12-17 12:42 am
Then you are a liar. You are dressing it up. But you are a major liar and deceiver.

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