Are you financially succesful?

2016-12-16 9:15 pm
I am 19 years old and I am going to college next semester. I obviously still live off of my parents money but i do make my own (a little bit, but I make) and my dream is to get a good job and be financially succesful, and never EVER have to ask my parents for money. Are you financially succesful? If yes, in what age did you get it?

回答 (6)

2016-12-17 7:14 pm
No. Yet I can not be success. But I am trying.
2016-12-17 12:47 am
Since the day I graduated high school, I've been pretty much financially responsible for myself. I went to college, but paid for it myself. I shared a room with my sister at our parents' house during college, but I was responsible for everything else (food, clothes, transportation, entertainment, health and dental care, all my college expenses). Because I had to budget very tightly then, I learned quickly how to manage my money. I had to put some portion of every paycheck aside to have enough to pay the next semester's tuition and books, so saving became a priority. I've maintained those skills throughout my life, and am now comfortable and will be able to retire a few years early.

I have always worked for non-profits, so my pay levels were not high through most of my career. I have never been without a job, or two, and have always saved before spending. I participated in every retirement plan that was offered to me. I shop sales and use coupons. The only debt I have is a mortgage (and at times a small loan on a used car). I learned about investing. I got an education through a master's degree and worked my way up in my field to vice president. I live under my means. I save for specific things I want (like travelling, or a different car). Do that, and you'll be okay, even if you don't earn a lot of money.
2016-12-17 12:44 am
you are financially successful when you make enough to pay all your own things(not living on your parents' dime in their house and not paying rent) and not depending on anything from any other source
this may not be a great paying job etc, but when you can say you make every dime that you need to continue to live, you are successful
2016-12-16 11:55 pm
You get financial security after years in the work force AND living wisely.
2016-12-16 10:40 pm
If you define success as never having to ask your parents for money then my success point was when I got my first job.
2016-12-16 10:18 pm
like winning the lottery there are some winners millions of losers you won't hear from them but you will from those that won they like to think it's all down to them they picked the right numbers didn't they
2016-12-16 9:49 pm
I moved out to attend university at 18; never looked back. Bought a condo in my late 20's, bought my current home (detached) a decade ago (I'm in my early/mid 40's). Make enough to live comfortably and have a decent amount of savings/retirement.

Tips: Don't be afraid to move away for work. Live somewhere that scares you. Do something scary every day. Make a budget and live within it.
2016-12-16 9:21 pm
At the age of 17

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