Why are Asian people the favored minorities by whites?

2016-12-15 4:42 pm
Why are they above other minorities

回答 (14)

2016-12-15 8:56 pm
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I am guessing because asians look very similar to whites
2016-12-15 5:02 pm
Because they aren't black.
2016-12-16 3:29 am
Easy answer. They are not violent, spoiled, obnoxious and entitled like blacks. They actually CONTRIBUTE to society, not make it worst like the said group. You don't have to fear being attacked by them when they walk down the street. Scientifically speaking, you can actually talk to them. Indians included, mind you. The chances of meeting a black who is at least some what literate in the hard sciences is nil at best.
2016-12-16 8:57 am
2016-12-16 12:28 pm
Edomites/Caucasians favor no one but themselves...
2016-12-15 7:12 pm
Over the next five years, 20th-century manufacturing stalwarts like the United States,
Germany and Japan will be challenged to maintain their competitive edge to
emerging nations such as China



China Has a Dominant Share of World Manufacturing


2016-12-15 7:12 pm
China did not invent the super computer. But once it lears how to make it,
it beats the rest of the world.


2016-12-15 7:46 pm
I hate all non whites actually.
2016-12-15 6:58 pm
They commit the least crimes, act the most civilized, come from technology advanced countries and have high IQs. Blacks are apes and come from sub saharan Apefrica where they still eat babies and bathe in cow piss
2016-12-15 7:12 pm
Computers are original inventions of Europeans. Once it is told how to make
each part, Chinese are experts in making them in large quantities.


2016-12-17 5:14 am
I wonder if the folks in Hiroshima Echo your statement. Askizahson get it Azz kisser son. They are placing weapons on man made islands just to show you how they are interperating that favor. The same way we see it. If you haven't noticed the world has taken a gander at the true enemy of people of all color and the murmur is that nobody likes white people but white people and that favor that your feeling is the reaching out and the grasping needy feeling is the suction and the downward pull of a sinking race. Your just the only ones there trying to save them. That's biblical God spoke of your allegiance with the demon that too will come to pass. Google it.
2016-12-16 3:44 pm
Societal trends.
2016-12-16 1:42 pm
Which Asians ?

Russians ?
Middle easterners ?
South Asians ?
East Asians ?
The Turkish ?
2016-12-15 9:22 pm
Is it really

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