It looks so BAD! I tried stealing a cat?

2016-12-15 12:08 am
Basically there was this cat that was always outside our house and was always hungry so I stroked it and gave it some food. I kept thinking it was a stray so I left it outside but felt bad. It also had a bad leg. I also bought it a flea collar because I didn't want it to get fleas. Then today, I'm feeding it and I tried putting the collar on and this boy walks past and goes " I see you've met our cat". OMFG! It looks so bad doesn't it?! What do I do?!

回答 (27)

2016-12-15 12:20 am
Being kind to an animal out in the open? No, that does NOT look bad. The thing that does not look good is the fact that those people let their cat run around outside without a collar or ID. I hope he is chipped.
2016-12-15 1:18 am
It was an honest mistake, just explain that you thought it was a stray and just wanted to make sure the cat was taken care of. I would have told that boy right then and there that the cat was in such poor condition when you found it that you didn't think it could have possibly had an owner.
2016-12-15 8:16 am
You tried "stealing" a cat that's left to roam loose with a bad leg. I wish there were more "bad" people were like this.
2016-12-15 3:08 am
No, it does not look bad. You were just being kind to an animal you felt needed help. Let them know that you believed it was a stray and that you were concerned about its condition. If the cat looks bad and they aren't providing adequate care for it, then you can call animal control and make a complaint . Or you can just keep caring for the cat anyway.
2016-12-17 1:40 am
Explain, apologise, make friends with this person, express concern about the possible leg injury and get to stay friends with the cat. Maybe offer your services as a cat sitter if they go on holiday. You don't need to own a cat to form a bond with them.
2016-12-15 8:48 am
Nah, you had no idea it was owned. If a cat is going to be an indoor/outdoor they should at least have a collar on it. No big deal. I would have mentioned to the boy that they need to get it's fleas and injured leg looked at. As it's owner they have a responsibility to actually care for the cat.
2016-12-18 2:56 am
Just explain, that you were concerned about the cat (with it's bad leg), and you didn't
realize it wasn't a stray. You can finish up by saying you're glad it has someone to
take care of it.
2016-12-17 1:12 am didn't do anything bad . I really appreciate that you think for that cat and take care of her. If her owner take her away from you don't be sad and plz get a new cat cause many cats are there who needs a good caring owner like you.
And sry for bad English
2016-12-15 12:16 am
One time i went camping with my family and we were loading our horses up to leave the camp site when an Arabian (type of horse) walked up and into the trailer to eat our hay. Who ever loaded them must've not seen the horse or something because we took it home with us and ended up keeping it cause it was a 3 hour drive back once we got home XD you're fine. Sucks they saw it but probably just explain that you thought it was a stray? I'm sure they will understand
2016-12-15 8:52 am
Nothing - the cat has a home. Take the flea collar off - its either useless or too toxic and can make the cat sick or die.
2016-12-15 12:12 am
Just explain to them the truth and hope for the best lol
2016-12-15 12:12 am
It doesn't "look" so bad...It IS so bad. Still, in your defense you didn't know.
2016-12-15 1:27 am
Of course it looks bad. you tried to STEAL someone's property. They can take you to court over it and since the cat is owned you will be forced to give it back no matter how much you think you deserve the cat and they don't since its property

Stop feeding it since its not yours.
2017-03-07 2:27 pm
having an outdoor cat is making the stray population explode, causing car accidents, and killing numerous species of birds over the years, so absolutely not......... you were trying to do the right thing and get it off the street, they are the ones who should feel bad.........
2016-12-19 1:57 pm
Having an outdoor cat is making the stray population explode, causing car accidents, and killing numerous species of birds over the years, so absolutely not. You were trying to do the right thing and get it off the street, they are the ones who should feel bad.
2016-12-19 9:30 am
feeding a cat you wouldn't take care of
2016-12-17 4:55 pm
Are you kitten me on?
2016-12-17 8:52 am
next time you see the boy just say "sorry thought it was a stray"...
2016-12-17 1:10 am
nobody gets to pet a stray cat! if u r petting a cat outside it has a home
2016-12-17 12:02 am
You can get a free cat at a no kill animal shelters..
2016-12-16 9:43 pm
Next time you see the boy just say "sorry thought it was a stray".
2016-12-16 9:14 am
It was an honest mistake. You didn't know that the cat had an owner. I would of thought the same thing if I saw the cat. Does the owner know that the cat has a bad leg?
2016-12-16 6:52 am
So maybe you say oh, sorry I was feeding a cat you wouldn't take care of
2016-12-15 4:07 pm
just explain to them the truth and hope for the proper lol
2016-12-17 8:54 pm
2016-12-15 12:13 am
say you thought it was a stray because of it's bad leg after all who leaves a cat like that ?

can you answer mine the one below ? thanks.
2016-12-15 12:10 am
Ahhhh 😂😂

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