Calculate the density of each of the following gases:?

2016-12-14 10:30 am
(a) C2H4 at 32 °C and 0.75 atm___g/L

(b) He at 57 °C and 791 torr ___g/L

回答 (1)

2016-12-14 10:41 am
PV = nRT and n = m/M, where m is mass and M is molar mass
Then, PV = (m/M)RT
PM = (m/V)RT
PM = dRT, where d is density
Hence, d = PM/(RT)

For C₂H₄ :
Pressure, P = 0.75 atm
Molar mass, M = (12.0×2 + 1.0×4) g/mol = 28.0 g/mol
Gas constant, R = 0.08206 L atm / (mol K)
Absolute temperature, T = (273 + 32) K = 305 K

Density, d = PM/(RT) = 0.75 × 28.0 / (0.08206 × 305) g/L = 0.839 g/L

For He :
Pressure, P = 791/760 atm
Molar mass, M = 4.0 g/mol
Gas constant, R = 0.08206 L atm / (mol K)
Absolute temperature, T = (273 + 57) K = 330 K

Density, d = PM/(RT) = (791/760) × 4.0 / (0.08206 × 330) g/L = 0.154 g/L

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