Apparen't you must never masturbate sitting upright with pressure on anal and perineum area otherwise your analysis muscles will tear, true?

2016-12-13 9:33 pm

回答 (21)

2016-12-13 11:26 pm
well you do know that asking the same question over and over doesn't make it true and backing it up with proof helps you out a lot
2016-12-13 9:36 pm
well it's not true and there is no medical proof too back this load of garbage up and their never will be any
2016-12-14 4:18 am
man you don't give up how many times are you going to post this same nonsense. get a job move out of mommy's basement and get a life. maybe you should stop letting guys tear your azz apart.
2016-12-14 4:34 am
Its true. My anal muscles are nothing but scar tissue now.
2016-12-14 12:22 am
isnt there something worth while to do as that question is the biggest joke ever
2016-12-14 11:57 am
You ask this relating to a couch, a bed, an adobe wall, and fact is, you have a real mental issue, one that far outways the position of your butt,while jacking off. Get some help before you have kids.
2016-12-14 6:52 am
Tell that to all the guys that jerk off sitting in front of their computer. Total rubbish.

Also, how would you have sex sitting on a chair with the girl sitting astride you? But I'd guess you wouldn't know about that.
2016-12-14 6:03 am
False and utter nonsense
2016-12-13 9:43 pm
*anal muscles

The chance of this happening is less than 1%. They never say the percentage. Let's not take a couple of isolated incidents and create an urban legend.
參考: Working for urologists for 21 years. If this happened all the time, we would know.
2016-12-13 9:42 pm
2016-12-15 3:22 pm
Even if we all said "true" you would continue asking this over and over and over again
2016-12-14 7:24 am
2016-12-13 11:20 pm
2016-12-13 9:48 pm
Not true. I've tested your strange theory several times lately, as late as last week. Still going strong, nothing torn. Kinda powerful feeling in that position.
2016-12-21 11:54 am
2016-12-19 12:07 pm
2016-12-18 9:33 pm
said "true" you would continue asking this over and over and over again
2016-12-16 8:05 am
try it and get back to us.
2016-12-15 7:00 am
It hasn't happen yet.
2016-12-15 3:42 am
2016-12-14 11:52 pm
Wrong - its the most common position I use
2016-12-14 1:31 am

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