Will this make me fat?

2016-12-13 1:33 pm
Breakfast : leftover homemade tuna salad with half an egg and green vegetable with mayo. Leftover pork stirred with vegetables and 10 small grapes and 1 Persimmon. I feel so guilty about it

Lunch: 100 gram of homemade boiled pork with homemade sauce and radishes and garlic.

I skipped dinner

回答 (5)

2016-12-13 1:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know if that will make you fat, but DON'T FEEL GUILTY! You are trying your best to have a healthy lifestyle, and that's better than nothing. You can eat anything you want as long as you do a little activity throughout the day. By the way, skipping meals doesn't help. It makes your body think you are starving to death and stores fat in case it will need it later. Don't skip meals, and don't feel guilty. Good luck and hope this helped!
2016-12-13 3:06 pm
will it make you fat?? how big are the portions?? it is not so much what you eat, but how much you eat. This is not the best, what is going on with all these leftover?
2016-12-13 3:05 pm
Ten small grapes & a persimmon, eh? The body doesn't understand gestures.That diet has fat written all over it. Salad dressing and mayonnaise and fired pork, saucees--these are not diet foods. Even skipping a meal.
If you want to find a real reducing diet and cleave to it, then you will lose weight. It must be spartan. A diet which is not spartan will not work. I didn't make the rules.
2016-12-13 1:39 pm
no.......................don't skip dinner any more. Don't developed an eating disorder (ED).
2016-12-14 1:11 am
Skipping meals and obsessing over food like this will indeed make you gain weight. When you skip meals, you mess around with your blood sugar and end up way more vulnerable to overeating, as well as not properly metabolizing what you do eat. Every meal needs protein, complex carbohydrates (fruits/vegetables) and fat (olive oil, butter, mayonnaise.) Portion depends on your current weight and activity level. It's almost impossible to control your weight with diet alone. If you learn to eat sensibly, don't try to starve yourself, never skip meals (any small meal when you feel hungry is better than doing without) and keep moving, you should notice a real difference soon.
Best of luck.

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