Short Curvy girls or thin and tall girls?

2016-12-13 11:57 am
do men find tall and girls attractive?
im not talking about anorexia skinny but just sort of skinnier than normal. As for the tall part,like 5'8 or so. would you find a girl that is 5'8"and 120 lbs attractive? that is my stature and I feel like the curvy girls body type is in right now. I feel so much pressure to try and have bigger butt, but i like being thin. What do you guys think?

回答 (6)

2016-12-13 11:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think you should learn to accept yourself the way you are. You can't live your life based on what the popular trends are. And many trends are really stupid anyway. The big butt thing among them!
2016-12-28 9:34 am
you need to work on your personality judging by your replies on other questions. stop being so bitchy
2016-12-13 11:59 am
Guys like all kinds of girls, tall ,skinny, short, don't feel pressured by the media view on women, you are beautiful the way you already are.
2016-12-15 2:09 am
Girls like tall guys. Guys like short, medium, and tall girls. Guy's height preferences aren't nearly as one sided compared to girls, but they can be when it comes to weight and age. But as far as weight is concerned, as long as you appear healthy, whether on the thin or curvy side, there will be plenty of men interested
2016-12-13 12:25 pm
there are some girls that are curvy. But most aren't. Its pretty rare.
2016-12-13 12:13 pm
both , if I'm attracted to them

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