Will we ever find a cure for death and if so what are the drawbacks of eternal life ?

2016-12-13 7:31 am

回答 (2)

2016-12-13 7:42 am
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We might extend life for decades, but I doubt that we extend life eternally. If we did there would be a number of problems, including overpopulation, taxes, boredom, finding a new planet, etc. Not sure whether the boredom or finding a new planet would be the most pressing, I suspect that after a thousand or so years people would start to be bored and frustrated with life and definitely by a million years. Ten in 4 billion or so years our sun will start to die and in the process, turn the earth into a cinder.
2016-12-13 7:35 am
Yes. In Jesus. There are none because it'll be perfect.

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