CHRISTIANS - Do you believe EVERYBODY should be Christian?

2016-12-13 12:53 am

回答 (15)

2016-12-13 1:35 am
Of course.
If one believes they've found something good, they want to share.
However, reality has it that not all will listen.
2016-12-13 1:25 am
john 3:16
2016-12-13 2:04 am
I believe everyone should follow the counsel in God's Word The Bible, living in a Christian way.
2016-12-13 1:06 am
On God's time but not on mine. Some are called early and some late. But not on my schedule :)
2016-12-13 1:02 am
I think everybody should have a relationship with their creator.
2016-12-13 12:58 am
Everybody should repent.

Isn't that obvious?
2016-12-13 3:07 pm
it is not what i believe.
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit ... ALL are christians.
God gave moses the Law ... not only for the hebrews but for the whole human race.
tis why God wants it written in black n white for the human generations to know Him and to OBEY Him.

Law of Moses = law & order in heaven & earth & the whole universe
2016-12-13 1:12 am
Why don't you watch old movies from back when ALL where? When everyone would run to help another, where tomalley these days just turn around and ignore ones in trouble. Movies from the 1950s and before.
"My Man Godfrey" was made in the 1930s, 1950s, and 1970s. The 1930s one still popular these days!
2016-12-13 1:36 am
I believe everyone is a Christian in one way or the other. Even if they don't practice it as such, to do good is a Christian thing just as much as it is any other religious thing too.
2016-12-13 1:18 am
I believe everybody describes the same archetypes, including atheists and people who don't really care either way. I think it can be summed up as the second wave of "no mom, I can do it myself, humph!" When that prefrontal thing comes up in your 20s ish, you are often forced into situations as per just growing up where you really do have to question your agency. Can you in fact do it yourself? And some people describe their marriages as salvic, some fall in line with any version of christological or dialectical salvation. There are also many interesting ways people try to fight it, but that's a story for a different day.

I don't think everyone should be christian, but it makes me facepalm all day when I hear "all religious people are judgemental. I just want everyone to live together peacefully and do good things. Churches are so corrupt."

P.S., if you thumb me down, that's how we all will know you didn't get a vocabulary word.

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