Do all religions have scriptures they follow?

2016-12-12 9:28 pm
Do all the religions have a holy book which they follow?

回答 (7)

2016-12-12 9:43 pm
No. There are obviously tribal religions, whose followers are people who are illiterate.
2016-12-12 9:32 pm
According to the Bible, all scriptures are god breathed.

Therefore all religions are true.
參考: Christian "logic".
2016-12-12 9:53 pm
Christians have the Bible; Muslims have the Quran; Hindus, Bhuddhism, and atheist have scriptures they follow.
參考: Bible +
2016-12-13 12:35 am
Definitely not.
Consider - for example - all of the religions that existed before writing was invented.
And...there are many cultures today that remain in the "stone age", that lack writing...and they are inevitably religious cultures.
There are also many religions that do not have any particular book that they consider "holy".
But...I *believe* that all of the MAJOR world religions of our time have at least one holy book.
2016-12-12 11:14 pm
The Best Holy Book is the Bible...

The English word “Bible” comes through the Latin from the Greek word bi·bliʹa, meaning “little books.” This, in turn, is derived from biʹblos, a word that describes the inner part of the papyrus plant out of which a primitive form of paper was made. The Phoenician city of Gebal, famous for its papyrus trade, was called by the Greeks “Byblos.” (See Jos 13:5, ftn.) In time bi·bliʹa came to describe various writings, scrolls, books, and eventually the collection of little books that make up the Bible. Jerome called this collection Bibliotheca Divina, the Divine Library.
Jesus and writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures referred to the collection of sacred writings as “the Scriptures,” or “the holy Scriptures,” “the holy writings.” (Mt 21:42; Mr 14:49; Lu 24:32; Joh 5:39; Ac 18:24; Ro 1:2; 15:4; 2Ti 3:15, 16) The collection is the written expression of a communicating God, the Word of God, and this is acknowledged in phrases such as “expression of Jehovah’s mouth” (De 8:3), “sayings of Jehovah” (Jos 24:27), “commandments of Jehovah” (Ezr 7:11), “law of Jehovah,” “reminder of Jehovah,” “orders from Jehovah” (Ps 19:7, 8), “word of Jehovah” (Isa 38:4), ‘utterance of Jehovah’ (Mt 4:4), “Jehovah’s word” (1Th 4:15). Repeatedly these writings are spoken of as “sacred pronouncements of God.”—Ro 3:2; Ac 7:38; Heb 5:12; 1Pe 4:11.
2016-12-12 10:05 pm
Are you aware that Thurs-day to Tues-day are named after fake, old Roman, gods? sat-ur day is named after their fake god of saturn. Nothing real in it!
There is the religion of Atheism also! Where ever single item that they had made-up; by 2007 was Ordered and Tested and ALL was scientifically discovered to be FAKES! Can any Atheist even state How any part of their made-up theory could have developed into next part? Science dose Not know! They have their made-up written down lines/lies, yet Zero Proofs!
2016-12-12 9:29 pm
Indeed. In Hinduism (Very first faith), we have the Bhagavad Gita and the Vedas. :)

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