pc or playstation 2?

2016-12-12 2:00 pm
i am a hardcore games and i want to know that should i buy a ps2 or upgrade my pc. which is better?

回答 (3)

2016-12-12 2:07 pm
PS2 is very old and outdated. A PC can be upgraded cheaply enough to play almost everything being designed today.
2016-12-12 2:01 pm
2016-12-13 4:08 am
Why are you interested in the PS2, a console that's almost 20 years old? Did you mean PS4, which is the latest Playstation console?

Anyways, what games are you interested in playing? If you're interested in old PS2 games then sure, buy a used PS2. Otherwise buy the PC.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:56:04
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