Can my landlord kick me out for noise reasons without warnings? (30 day notice is given). Pertaining to both lease & nonlease tenants?

2016-12-12 5:52 am
He also said that according to HOA and CC&R, tenants that are nonblooded can't live with he has to kick me out for that too.

He never gave me a warning that I was being too loud. In fact, when I am away, he would say that he misses my loud voices LOL

回答 (10)

2016-12-12 4:01 pm
HOAs do have specific rules & regulations as to who may live there and who may not. They usually have age requirements too. If you have been given 30 days' notice, start packing. If the HOA has ordered him to get rid of you because of your noise, then that is all it takes.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Landlord & Tenant law experience & I live in an HOA.
2016-12-12 7:18 am
If you are on a month to month rental agreement OR you are coming up on the end of your fixed term lease, your landlord has issued you a notice to vacate. Yes, it's legal, and yes, you have to move.

Please note, you are not being evicted at this point. An eviction is a court-ordered action. If you are still there at the end of the notice period, your landlord will file at the courthouse to have you evicted.
參考: FL landlord
2016-12-12 6:07 am
Yes. Rules are rules and there is no rule or law requiring a warning be issued. Sorry.
2016-12-13 1:29 pm
If you do not have a lease then they do not have to give you a reason at all.

If you have a lease & the noise was a violation then yes you can be evicted. Landlords do not have to give warnings.
2016-12-13 1:38 am
That would mean all the tenants must be blood related to the landlord or be
evicted. How were they approved in the first place? How ridiculous.
2016-12-12 10:42 pm
With no lease, of course.
2016-12-12 7:59 pm
As long as the landlord gives the correct notice
2016-12-12 7:21 am
if you have a month to month lease he can give you 30 days to vacate and he doesn't have to have a reason
2016-12-12 6:47 am
It is difficult to determine your question.

It appears as if your landlord is in a property that has an association. The association has rules and regulations that must be obeyed.

One might be that your landlord has ran afoul of one of these rules and regulations. This violation of the C&R and HOA was brought to the attention of your landlord. Since this has been brought to your landlord's attention. Your landlord is required to comply with the provisions of the CC&R and HOA rules or be fined.

Your landlord might also been informed there was loud noise coming from his property and it must end. This could be the reason for the 30 day notice of move.

If you have no signed lease agreement, you are on a month to month tenancy. Normally your state rental laws would require you to be given a 30 day written notice to move for any reason. This would be considered a legal notice.

The notice you received is not an eviction notice. The notice you received is a notice that you have either not paid your rent of have violated some portion of your lease agreement.

If you fail to move based on this notice, you landlord would then proceed to get a legal eviction signed by a

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2016-12-12 5:54 am
Depends on how ruthless your landlord is. If there is a 'noise' clause in your lease, then you would be guilty of violating your lease. If you have no lease, they can do whatever they wish.
2016-12-13 12:57 am
if you have a verbal lease he can kick you out for a legitimate it is a verbal lease he can kick you out for no reason what so ever....technically it would have to be ''because'' long as it doesn't discriminate....

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