Should men STOP holding doors open for women, and treating them like 'ladies'?

2016-12-12 5:22 am
This honestly isn't a troll, ( I know a lot of people assume things are trolls ) but really it isn't.

So, women nowadays are NOT innocent, they have equal rights and don't behave 'ladylike'. Firstly, many years ago women were second class citizens. So, in pity, a mam could never hit a woman and would always hold the door open for them etc. Also back them women didn't sleep around, have abortions and drink like men. But now they do.

Women have equal rights to men. Most women have more sex partners that most men nowadays I'd say. A half of women have had an abortion. And literally almost all women nowadays have one night stands, sleeping with a stranger basically. And women get more drunk
than men nowadays.

So, why should men not hit women, hold doors open and respect them. I don't mean mistreat them or anything but treat them the same as men, bbecause women basically act the same, and they are not innocent, second class citizens anymore and shouldn't be treated with extra respect. After all, most women don't really respect men.

回答 (17)

2016-12-12 5:34 am
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I do not believe anyone should go out of their way to either hold a door open or to avoid holding it. Yes women are equal, but they are also human. While a man shouldn't feel more inclined to open a door to a woman, he also shouldn't feel that a door should never be opened. Politeness is something all humans should feel and receive.
Back then a man was taught to be more polite to a woman, the Knights code, but now we are taught to be polite to everyone. Equally so.

This has nothing to do with the question, but I'd like to point out you may have a misrepresentation on life. You claim half of women have abortions, when in reality it's 16-17%. Less than half of what you stated.
3.6% more men die in cases involving alcohol than women.
And acordding to studies, 70% of men admired to cheating on wives, while only 50-60% of women admitted.
There are plenty of things women do worse, but they are not as trashy as one might believe.
2016-12-12 5:23 am
No, If I have my hands full then I appreciate someone opening door for me. I would do the same, for a man or a woman.
2016-12-12 5:29 am
For the most part I follow you, although hitting someone is battery. You shouldn't do it because it's against the law.

As for holding open doors, I think that's something people do when it's convenient. I hold open doors for women and men. I'm not just going to close the door on their face.
2016-12-12 5:26 am
I'm a woman and I'll hold the door open for you, a man. Would you be offended? Most chivalry is LONG dead - men don't stand up anymore when a woman comes into the room or do half of what they did in polite society before. What is left is basically politeness - you can be polite or not - your decision. I like polite people myself.

Why should men not hit women? Because violence NEVER solves problems - nobody should be hitting anybody and if you think men should be beating up women smaller than them, I guess you like to bully others, smack kids around and kick pets too - maybe? You'll likely end up in jail or beat up bad if you think this is OK. Did you know most men hitting their female partners happens when they get pregnant - are you for beating up women in that state? Do you support men who do this?
2016-12-12 5:24 am
it's just a sign of respect and general politeness for all people. i hold the door open for everyone. men and women.
2016-12-12 5:26 am
You have made a multitude of statements about ALL women, most of which aren't even true. I'm not about to change my behavior towards women on the say so of someone that is so wrong about everything. Besides, I hold doors for men and small children as well!
2016-12-12 5:25 am
Most aren't ''Ladies'' anymore. just a bunch of hoes in disguise. so Yeah, in most cases yeah.
2016-12-12 5:25 am
There is nothing wrong with being polite and keeping this tradition of holding the door open for women alive. Not everyone has to abide by your liberal ****. Some of us wish to stay in the past instead of moving forward with the garbage you're pushing towards us at a rapid pace. I'm a Democrat politically but there's a reason why I don't support you liberal scum most of the times.
If men wish to do it then let them. Do whatever the hell you want to but don't try to change other's opinions.
2016-12-12 5:24 am
2016-12-12 7:17 am
I have learned my lesson about women. I don't care about them anymore, and I would never go out of my way for them ever again. They exist, I recognize it, but not in my world if I can help it. Their hidden agenda's make them very undesirable.

Slam the door in their face I say
2016-12-12 5:24 am
double standards op
2016-12-12 6:50 am
Whoever gets to the door first open it
2016-12-12 6:20 am
Holding the door open for someone is respectful regardless of gender. If you dont wish to be a respectful person then dont hold doors open for ladies thats your choice. I hold doors open for men,women and kids because its decent and the person may be a stranger but has done nothing to me to be disrespectful.
As for hitting women, again that is your choice to hit a woman or not. Just as it is the choice of a woman to hit an man or not. Its the same thing as holding doors open. If you want to be a decent respectful person you dont go around hitting people and you hold the door open. Most women dont respect men and most men dont respect women just the same. people are rude and disrespectful regardless of gender. But if a man hits me he will get hit back and Im Italian I dont call the cops. You say you dont mean to mistreat but just to treat them the same as men but really doesnt sound like what you are saying. I dont see you saying anything against holding doors open for other men or hitting men. Anyway, like I said it is your choice to be a respectful person or not. I am respectful to people unless that specific person gives me a reason otherwise.
2016-12-12 5:56 am
This will never happen. Too many white knights out there that feed female privilege and are probably the number one reason it exists.
2016-12-12 5:41 am
Men should be able to defend themselves from aggressive gorilla woman. Be polite to everyone not just women.
2016-12-12 7:07 am
Oh for pete's sake, being polite is not going to kill you lol I hold the door open for everybody- men, women, and children, and I'm a woman.
2016-12-12 5:30 am
Yes. I don't see any point in holding the door for some stranger who's not going to think twice about my act of kindness.

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