Do you think its okay to do drugs if you have a good handle on it?

2016-12-12 2:36 am
Ive smoked weed for years. I used to smoke all the time 3 or 4 times a day atleast. Now just once or twice on thee weekend. I also dabble in other things mostly halucinates like acid or mushrooms. I also do coke sometimes but i never go nuts and do it all the time or spend too much money. Whats the harm

回答 (9)

2016-12-12 3:50 am
I bet most of the strung out drug addicts thought the same thing.
2016-12-12 3:03 am
Bad for the brain. Can cause anxiety and depression in later life.
2016-12-13 4:03 am
No one has a good handle on drugs. Only fools use them.
2016-12-12 5:20 am
Absolutely not! The Bible says: for one to offer oneself as a clean living and holy sacrifice to God because he himself is holy. At "1 Peter 1:16." it says: This is only right because "Revelation 4:8" says: that for him being the creator of every living thing, we should respect that, OK. Sincerely a caring friend!
2016-12-12 3:00 am
2016-12-12 2:40 am
It's not good for health and it can be addictive. Drugs not good for you, don't do it.. and the amount of money could be used to do more constructive things. Such as buying better meals, better outfits, learn skills and even donate to others.
2016-12-12 2:40 am
No harm, seemingly, at the moment. All is dandy. But keep doing this for say 10-15 years and u will for sure think otherwise. Or more likely...people around you will definitely think otherwise, waaaaay otherwise. Stop before it's to late and leads to more and heavier stuff, it almost always do, you know...
2016-12-12 2:38 am
the harm is employers do drug screens.

i also don't know successful drug users. usually they are a bunch of losers living in parent's basement.
2016-12-12 2:38 am
Are you just trying to brag or are you genuinely concerned about the health risks. You do know Yyou can just google the risks. By coming here I'm assuming you're deprived of attention.

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