Why do I feel my most confident in airports?

2016-12-11 12:01 pm
I'm 19, a guy and as of recent I've noticed I feel my most confident in airports.
Not at home, not on the street, but in an airport. I'll pick out and plan my outfit, I wear my nicer things when I go to the airport.

I'm more self concious in other scenarios, especially on the topic of how I dress because I can dress a bit out there.. (skinny jeans, drappy t's big jackets and Ultra Boosts, unlike people in my area)

I feel like a celebrity in airports.. if I could have airport confidence outside of the airport I would be happy.. but I don't know why I am my most confident in airports.

回答 (3)

2016-12-11 12:07 pm
This is funny haha
2016-12-11 12:12 pm
Well that's it!
At the airport there's people who travel, which means people who saw places and won't weirden or alienate you, and staff that is used to seeing travelers or people coming from different places.

Yes I feel the same in my original country, I can't and won't dress nicely, i'll be weird and it's not even worthy, while when I was abroad ( in a much civilized place) I felt completely normal, and enjoyed dressing up, even if it's just for a little walk.

So if you could, keep those clothes that you like for special occasions, and try to get clothes that match your neighborhood's atmosphere and at the same time fit your expectations and standards.
2016-12-11 12:11 pm
It's probably because no one knows you at an airport. They're all travelers and they're from other countries. You feel safe there and comfortable being yourself. What they think or say won't matter because they'll soon be gone.

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