My sister, her boyfriend, and niece have been living with me and my mom for three years now. Basically my sister and her boyfriend have been very nasty to me. They steal my things if I'm not home, eat my food and insult me all the time. those are minor things but my sister's boyfriend has been the worse because he kicks my dogs for no reason and beats my sister and her niece (but that's my sister's problem that she ignores) and I believe he was about to rape me if i wasn't filming him (my mom asked me to) to show my mom that his says inappropriate things like "all you need is a good ****" and "you need this dick". My mom is tired of their bullshit and no longer care that she is her daughter. They are being kicked out in 21 days (they don't know yet). I fear that he will do something dangerous since he is very childish and petty for a 30 year old and come back. Can I get a restraining order on him since i can't get one on my sister since my mom still wants her to visit?
I live in California and I don't know if I can get a restraining order on him here.