Does the output voltage of a car amplifier have an effect how loud a Subwoofer is?

2016-12-10 11:02 pm
Example: Measuring the output (speaker wires going to subwoofer), amp#1 feeds 40v and 100a to the sub (4,000w).

If amp#2 feeds 400v and 10a to the sub (also 4,000w), how will the acoustic output (SPL, loudness) be affected? (I know the voltage is extreme, but its just an example for the sake of the question)

Does the output amperage have more effect on how loud it is than the output voltage, or does the output wattage alone matter, regardless of the volts/amps ratio?

回答 (1)

2016-12-11 1:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
No. Doesn't matter which. It's simply a matter of power, and that is a product of voltage and current.
A more realistic example would be a bridged 2 ch on a dvc 2 doing 1000w at 4 ohms vs the same sum on a mono doing 1000w at 1 ohm.

63v vs 31. Same output, essentially the same performance.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:54:36
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