
2016-12-10 5:11 pm

My personality is responsible for doing things seriously, obliging and favorite service groups. The following detail description of the individual personality .

First, do something serious and responsible: I do anything before the first plan will be completed within the deadline, to pay out before carefully check again, so as to avoid serious mistakes, but also to again.

Second, obliging and favorite service groups: I have joined caring services, donation of goods and materials to disadvantaged groups. I think it is a good thing to help people who want to ride out the storm. I like to serve groups, I can help others complete what they want to do is a very happy thing, for example: to help new colleagues in business guidance so that they can quickly get started, when they succeed, I felt very happy.

The above two points is my most precious personality traits, please exhibitions!

回答 (2)

2016-12-10 6:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My personality are serious about anything, like dedicating and prefer serving others. In the following, I will describe my personality.

First/ First of all, I always take things seriously, such as/ for example, I will complete/ finish the first plan/ job within the deadline when I do anything. Also, I will check carefully before submit my work, so as to avoid many serious mistakes.

Secondly, I like dedicating. I has been joined volunteers who provides donated goods and materials to disadvantaged groups. I think that it is a good way to help people who want to ride out the storm. I like serving community because I can help others complete what they want always makes me satisfied(滿足), such as/ for example, I would like to be a business guidance to help new colleagues in a company so that they can get started quickly, when they succeeded, I will be glad(happy) for them.

These two points above are my precious/valuable personality, please exhibit/ take a look.
(如果你的作文是演講詞就在最後加上 Thank you. )
2016-12-10 9:39 pm
-----My personality is responsible and well known for doing things seriously,obliging and favouritely to service groups. The following detail description of the individual personality should be acknowledged.

------First, I will be serious and responsible. I will complete the first plan within the deadline; to carefully check (before submit my work,so as to avoid serious mistakes, or try to do it again !)

-------Second, I am obliged to do something as a favour. I have joined caring services, donation of goods and materials to (the underprivileged ) groups. I think it is a good thing to help people who want to ride out the storm ,(and secure social position). I like to serve community groups,(because I can do something for them as a favour and in answer to their request.)

-----I am willing to help others complete what they want to do, for example, to help new colleagues in business guidance in a Company so that they can get started quickly. When they succeeded, they were much obliged and grateful to me !

------The above two distinguishing points are my most precious personality traits. Please acknowledge them.

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