I was watching a video a few minutes ago, that referred to a time in history, of 186CE. What would CE stand for?

2016-12-10 3:30 pm

回答 (10)

2016-12-10 3:34 pm
Common Era or Current Era, abbreviated CE, is a calendar era that is often used as an alternative naming of the Anno Domini era ("in the year of the Lord"), abbreviated AD. The system uses BCE as an abbreviation for "before the Common (or Current) Era" and CE as an abbreviation for "Common Era".
參考: Google
2016-12-10 10:54 pm
It's just the PC term for what's been called AD.
2016-12-10 3:38 pm
Common era. The same thing as A.D. but without the Christian reference. (To be fair, it's not like the A.D. dating system could have gotten the date right.)
2016-12-11 2:57 pm
CE and BCE is the non-religious form of BC and AD.

BCE stands for 'Before the Common Era' and CE stands for 'The Common Era'.
2016-12-10 10:49 pm
Common Era. That's a replacement for the religious dividing line of AD, Anno Domini, year of our Lord.
2016-12-10 6:22 pm
Current Era -- what Christians call AD.
2016-12-11 2:19 pm
it is the year 186 AD after the Birth of Christ

ce is rubbish for the PC mob
2016-12-10 4:20 pm
It means common era, the same as AD, some books also say MYA which means millions of years ago, when discussing pre historic affairs.
2016-12-10 3:33 pm
Common Era
2016-12-10 4:19 pm

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