Why is life so hard?

2016-12-10 6:15 am
Things are just so tough.

回答 (5)

2016-12-10 6:18 am
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Nothing in life that comes easy, is worth having.

A tough life defines your edges, like a diamond being sharpened.. it makes your life more valuable :)
2016-12-10 6:18 am
I know. Everything is complicated. I can't never do anything right according to society.
2016-12-10 6:18 am
If you don't get an education life will be much harder. Life is all about getting a good education, that way you can make enough money to feel comfortable.
2016-12-10 7:06 am
Life on earth was never meant to be good. That's why when we die we go to heaven and are relieved of life's sufferings.
2016-12-10 6:28 am
It all a conspiracy by the "one percent" against everybody else.

In the decades since the end of the Cold War they've been sweeping up more and more of the world's real wealth fro themselves.

Until the masses wake up and do something to reverse this it will just get harder and harder.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:55:08
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