Why do so many people hate Donald Trump?

2016-12-10 6:10 am
Do you hate him?

回答 (11)

2016-12-10 6:12 am
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He called all Mexicans rapists, murderers, drug dealers, and thugs. He wants to ban all Muslims from entering the United States. He said that he believes that he has the right to grab any woman that he wants to by her genitals simply because he's famous. Donald Trump has said something insulting and hateful about every group of people that doesn't include himself.
2016-12-10 6:16 am
Spend 5 minutes watching and listening to him is all it takes.
And I am old enough to remember Trump from the late 70s and 80s.
He was a rich spoiled rotten POS then and he has not changed a bit.
2016-12-10 6:14 am
Do you have ears? Have you heard of everything he has done? I will not like a man who has done all of The Who has done and said all of the horrible things he has. And I don't care if the Conservatives call me a "libtard" for sharing how I feel, just because they think everything he has done is perfectly fine and I'm obviously ridiculous for thinking it's not.
2016-12-10 6:10 am
Cause they love hillary and she lost.
2016-12-10 6:54 am
Because of what he says and does ... other than that, I'm sure he's good people.
I don't hate him. I'm fastening my seat belt and holding on to my hat as I anticipate turbulence ahead.
2016-12-10 6:45 am
It's easy to hate Trump, and apparently - disliking him paints you in a pigeonholed position, that's supposedly liberal. People's reasons for liking or not liking someone is not a political statement; but we reduced our logic down to something we so easily compartmentalize. A lot of people's reasons for not liking Trump, supersedes their political frustration. He might do a "okay" job as president, but he's pissed off many, doesn't plan to reconcile this in any meaningful way... and for the most part, the forgiveness portion of the deal seems largely left for the offended to do. Not going to get anywhere with these conditions in play...

The climate in the US is rather polarized - so don't expect any helpful dialog concerning mending this situation. I don't like him because I think he's a con artist; and yes, it's possible to have a negative viewpoint about Trump and not be liberal, or a Clinton supporter. It's also a fair assessment one can make about Trump's term, as not being as great as it may appear. (Yes,I find the Carrier deal to be not as awesome, as the immediate reporting made it seem.)
2016-12-10 6:19 am
because he exposed who the real haters are in the US
2016-12-10 6:12 am
Because he's orange, and, you know, there's a great amount of hatred for the orange people.
2016-12-10 11:41 am
Because of his attitude.
2016-12-10 7:01 am
I love him

People hate him because he is honest
2016-12-10 6:12 am
I don't even dislike that many people.

Who's so hateful to go around hating people they don't even know?

Oh, my bad, those are liberals.

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