Is Donald Trump a racist?

2016-12-10 6:08 am
I heard that a lot of the KKK support him.

回答 (14)

2016-12-10 6:10 am
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Of course he is. Donald Trump called all Mexicans rapists, murderers, drug dealers, and thugs. Donald Trump wants ban all Muslims from being able to enter the United States. Donald Trump was endorsed by the KKK and he embraced them with open arms.
2016-12-10 6:09 am
KKK support Trump

So, that makes Trump a racist

I give you, public education on full display
2016-12-10 6:09 am
Another Democrat internet bot, set to ask this question every 2 hours.
2016-12-10 6:10 am
You mean, ALL 5,000 of them?
2016-12-10 6:09 am
Look @ Oprah Winfrey and Al Sharpton..they be da raceists.
2016-12-10 6:14 am
No. Leave his supporters alone and quit shaming them. That's one of the reasons Hillary finished at 232 only. She acted like a divider and so did the leftist media.

It always backfires when you attack the supporters regardless of how they maybe. 62 million votes for Trump, including myself.

Cherrypicking a tiny minority out of the 62 million and tying them to Trump didn't work. You need better strategies if your side wishes to win election.

For example KKK members keep dogs as pet. Does that make the dogs racist or evil? Does that mean others should not keep dog because they do?
2016-12-10 6:26 am
Supporters say he is not, yet all racists prais him
2016-12-10 6:14 am
A lot of isis supported Hillary. Does that make the old crone a muslim extremist?

The answer to your question would be no.
2016-12-10 6:11 am
The fact the KKK like him doesn't make him racist.

The fact he thinks all Mexicans are rapists makes him racist.

The fact he thinks all Black people live in violent ghettos makes him racist.
2016-12-10 6:11 am
Even as*holes have an opinion, some voted Hillary you dingus
2016-12-10 6:15 am
Yes, he is racist.
2016-12-12 2:13 am
You let yourself be played for a fool in what you simply "hear" if you don't THINK about and apply reason to the issue. How can there be "a lot" of KKK support when there isn't even a national KKK any more. It was sued out of existence a long time ago. All there is are hate groups that like taking on the moniker. This alone should tell you something.

The tone of answers in affirmative to your question, like a dog enthusiastically chasing after a stick thrown for it, should also tell you something too.
2016-12-10 1:44 pm
Well, you heard right and of course trump is a racist...
2016-12-10 6:31 am
Whether or not the Klan likes him does not make him a Klan member or white supremacist. If you are a fringe group you choose the person closest to you politically, that is a Republican rather than a Democrat. Doesnt mean they represent your philosophy.

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