My 2 months old puppy cant walk properly. Is it normal?

2016-12-10 3:17 am
I got it yesterday and noticed he walks weird. His hind legs are crossing and jumping keeps on falling

回答 (2)

2016-12-10 3:37 am
No at two months he should be stronger than that and I would get it checked straight away.
2016-12-10 3:21 am
Since he's still a very young puppy, I wouldn't worry too much about it yet. One of my dogs kept falling over when he was a puppy too (we got him when he was 10 weeks old), but he eventually grew out of it. It's just like when babies are learning how to walk and they fall over. Wait a few months, and if it is still concerning to you, then I would suggest bringing him to the vet

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