What is the best argument you have?

2016-12-09 10:40 am
What is the best argument you have for theism or atheism? Just asking.

回答 (17)

2016-12-09 10:49 am
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The best argument I have is for agnosticism. There's no way to know these things for sure, so the realistic attitude is to admit you don't know!

But I have arguments for the other things too.

The best argument for theism is that belief seems to fill some need in human nature. People always HAVE had spiritual or religious beliefs, and if religion was going to go obsolete (as many have predicted over the centuries) it would have gone obsolete centuries ago! Many religious beliefs sound just ridiculous in today's scientifically aware, culturally sophisticated world, but people still believe them because they NEED to believe something.

The best argument for atheism is that many religious beliefs are totally unbelievable unless you were raised with them or have some need to believe them. If you don't need to believe, belief looks just silly! Overall, religion cause a lot more problems than it solves.
2016-12-09 11:14 am
The best argument is the very existence of the argument. The human's intellectual access to incorporeal immaterial realities such as math, logic, virtue and the very inquiry of which this forum continually bats back and forth the question of the argument of the existence of God is in my opinion the strongest evidence thereof. The very fact that the human mind is capable of contemplating and accessing the concepts of infinity and eternity are proofs that we are more than the atoms withing our bodies. We contain spirits and souls which can only have their source in the great spirit of the Universe which is responsible for the question, the exercise of the argument, is proof thereof.
2016-12-09 11:07 am
From "God the Failed Hypothesis" by Victor Stenger.

1. Hypothesize a God who plays an important role in the universe.
2. Assume that God has specific attributes that should provide objective evidence for his existence.
3. Look for such evidence with an open mind.
4. If such evidence is found, conclude God MAY exist.
5. if such objective evidence is not found, conclude beyond a reasonable doubt such a God does NOT exist.

George Carlin mentioned the possibility of a god that does not give a ****.
2016-12-09 11:01 am
Atheism is the disbelief in gods. That's it. We make no claims. We have no leaders, no holy books, no doctrine, no rituals, no scripture, no dogma, no organisation. We just don't believe in gods. All you have to do for there to be no atheists is to provide some evidence that at least one of the many thousands of gods actually exists. No theist has done that yet.

Agnosticism has nothing to do with theism or atheism. Theism/atheism is about belief. Everyone either believes or they don't. Agnosticism is about knowledge. That agnostic says it is impossible to know that gods exist therefore whether they do or not has to be a matter of belief. Most atheists and many theists are agnostics.
2016-12-09 10:42 am
This universe was created. The only way it could have started from nothing is by a Creator, a God. There's so many things on earth, plus include earth itself. And so complex. Even if life here has evolved, how did the first lifeform come to be? And if it came from another planet and came here on an asteroid, how did that very first lifeform come to be? By being created.
2016-12-09 12:57 pm
God as a conscious bieng must exist as a result of the nature of his own causality fully independent of organic living matter and the result of a system of complex wave functions in endless space.
2016-12-09 11:12 am
Ask anyone why they should believe in God. The answer is always going to be, So you will live again with God in heaven after you die. Doesn't that sound so warm and fuzzy? The truth is that people are scared of death. And will cling to any hope they can.. and put aside all rational reasoning for this chance to be raised from the dead.. along with the alternative of burning in hell. Enough to grip people.. death can be scary
2016-12-09 10:45 am
I had an argument over that once and it ended with me smashing a chair over the other guy's head and he was in a coma LOL but he's all right now aside from being a bit retarded, but I guess he was already if he believed in god LOL again, so yeah that was probs my best argument.
2016-12-09 10:55 am
It is false to ask for a best argument because your questions and needs and longings are not mine. Did not Jesus say that very thing?

Blaise Pascal — 'We are usually convinced more easily by reasons we have found ourselves than by those which have occurred to others.'
2016-12-09 10:47 am
The Holy books themselves are the best source for disproving those specific Gods. God (in the Deist sense) has not been disproved, but only an idiot would say that justifies belief

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