Which of the following are most important: biological age, physical age, or mental age?

2016-12-09 8:09 am
As far as society and being in public is concerned, that is. For example, I'm 24 years old, but look 19 and act 28.

回答 (5)

2016-12-09 8:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Physical age. Biologically I'm 69. I look about 55 until you see me walk.
Mentally I'm about sixty.
2016-12-09 12:57 pm
lol, act 28
2016-12-09 9:40 am
NO. That said, biological age and physical age are the same.
2016-12-09 8:17 am
Legally the only age age that matters if your actual age.
2016-12-09 8:14 am
Biological age is most important in the first 18 years. After that mental age is most important. Nobody really cares about your baby face.

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