How many do you guys have ex boyfriend/girlfriend?

2016-12-08 7:25 pm
and why you guys break up?

回答 (4)

2016-12-08 7:30 pm
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I have one ex girlfriend who I don't talk to at all yet she still calls and texts me every day which I obviously don't answer. I blocked her on everything. She broke up with me for basically no reason.
So she's basically dead to me
參考: Ex girlfriend
2016-12-08 7:40 pm
Because she said she wasn't "ready for a relationship" but wanted to remain friends. I give it like 9 months later. "Not looking for anyone at the moment" I know she's bullshitting me. Doesn't stop me from liking her though :/ even though I know its wrong to be liking her.
2016-12-08 7:50 pm
I broke it off with my girlfriend a little more than a month ago..

blocked her from everything and she still contacts me.

I had maybe 6 or 7 girlfriends in my time.

Currently single and I had nookie with 10 girls but only some of my girlfriends I had sex with so you kind of get it?

Good luck.

2016-12-08 7:28 pm

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