I think I may end it tomorrow?

2016-12-08 3:07 pm
Hi. I'm 18 male. My life sucks. I'm sick. Mitochondrial disease destroyed everything. 24/7 fatigue,dizziness,migraine,brain fog,pressure in head,eyes sensitive to light(worsens migraine),dry eyes,reynauds,bad knee and joints,spine has partial arthritis which will cause future issues,sensitive body(food texture,the way clothes feel against me as in they can't be pushing in one area of my back when I'm laying down or underwear annoyance and always have to pee),sleep apnea,confusion(I feel like I'm in a dream a lot due to everything,things always feel fake and I doubt this reality as though it's a dream.),etc such as recent lung issues(pneumothorax/partial lung collapse!). I had surgery first time it happened this August, that was just chest tube to drain Air. Second time 2 1/2 weeks ago was chest tube and top of lung cut off and lung stapled then attached to back of chest wall. I bought my first car and got my permit. I quit driving a month ago thanks to brain fog almost making me crash. I need to die. Please help and feel free to really explain. Not short messages saying "it gets better" because that probes you're stupid and don't get that "THIS" won't get better. Thanks

回答 (2)

2016-12-08 3:38 pm
Do it either way.. I have no objection - even if you want to continue this.

It is what is called Trolling.
參考: compiled.
2016-12-09 10:34 pm
Only you can decide if suicide is your best option. If you decide it is you only need to decide on the how, when, and where. I would take my time with that but when you can answer these questions I would proceed without delay. Make sure you have your suicide note, if you are going to leave one, your next of kin contact information, and your photo ID readily available to make it easier on the police. I would call 911 or your local emergency number and let them know what you are doing and why. Let them know you are just calling to let them know where to pick up your dead body. Hopefully emergency services will be able to get to it before someone else stumbles upon it by accident.

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