Chemistry Help?

2016-12-08 1:55 am
A sample of methane (CH4) has a volume of 29 mL at a pressure of 0.90 atm . What is the final volume, in milliliters, of the gas at each of the following pressures, if there is no change in temperature and amount of gas?

a)0.27 atm
b)2.90 atm
C)2700 mmHg
D)64.0 torr

回答 (1)

2016-12-08 2:47 pm
(29 mL) x (0.90 atm / 0.27 atm) = 97 mL

(29 mL) x (0.90 atm / 2.90 atm) = 9.0 mL

(29 mL) x (0.90 atm / ((2700 mmHg) / (760 mmHg/atm)) = 7.3 mL

(29 mL) x (0.90 atm / ((64.0 torr / (760 torr/atm)) = 310 mL

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:54:18
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