Would you support a Hispanic president?

2016-12-07 6:00 pm

回答 (11)

2016-12-07 6:02 pm

i bet you can't even tell me what a Hispanic is without looking it up.
2016-12-07 6:03 pm
Depends on his policies. I had liked Ted Cruz, was for the most part comfortable with Rubio over all despite a number of disagreements.
2016-12-07 6:01 pm
I would support a presidential candidate that was willing to follow the constitution and had leadership skills. Who happened to be Hispanic though.
2016-12-07 6:03 pm
2016-12-07 6:05 pm
pic for you guay
2016-12-07 7:31 pm
2016-12-07 6:11 pm
As long as they were a legal citizen and wanted strict adherence to the United States Constitution
2016-12-07 6:11 pm
I'd support a presidential candidate of any color as long as they say what I hope to hear.
2016-12-07 6:09 pm
The person would have to be a native born American citizen to qualify for the office. If that was the case, sure I would.
2016-12-07 6:14 pm
Yes. I had a Cuban man once. Best cawk of my life, so thick 😍😍🙄
2016-12-07 6:01 pm
Absolutely not. Only real Americans.

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