Should racist and prejudice people be allowed to vote and run as POTUS?

2016-12-07 5:47 pm
What are your thoughts

回答 (11)

2016-12-07 5:48 pm
There would be no candidates / Parties to consider...
2016-12-07 5:49 pm
Didn't stop Obama
2016-12-07 5:48 pm
This is why the book '1984' was written.

When the party gets to decide who they allow to vote, then society is only one step removed from the party deciding what is true and what is not.

Hope that helps.
2016-12-07 5:49 pm
That "you're a racist bigot" thing really worked out well for the Democrats last month huh?
2016-12-07 5:49 pm
I very much oppose Racist and Bigoted people being President, but as a democracy, we have to give everyone a chance to voice their opinions and run for office. If the majority of the voters want a Racist and Bigot for president, then we need to start planning on how to defeat them next election.
2016-12-07 5:57 pm
Yes of course. The public should be allowed to make up their own minds about people like that.
2016-12-07 5:52 pm
Either time in jail or lose their citizenship....
2016-12-07 6:11 pm
Since the terms 'racist' and 'prejudice' have come to mean someone I disagree with or dislike it would be impossible to fill the position or even have an election. This is what happens when words lose their meaning.
2016-12-07 5:48 pm
no, obango should have never been president ever.
2016-12-07 5:57 pm
I don't think people who make grammatical or spelling errors should be allowed to live.
2016-12-07 5:48 pm
obama did and people didnt give a shyte!

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