why can't I be a good mum? :(?

2016-12-07 2:16 pm
my 18 month old is teething he also as a bad cough and cold and my older son who is 9 as a sickness bug so basically I have 2 very needy children. I really struggled today because the baby didn't stop crying then my older son was sick over the bed and I was running around like a crazy person trying to tend to them both but after a morning of none stop crying and cleaning up sick I flipped I locked myself in the bathroom and starting crying even tho my kids needed me :( im a single mum and I get no help what so ever from family or friends. I feel as if im doing a really bad job with my kids and I feel like the worst mother on earth as anybody else felt this way at some point?

回答 (8)

2016-12-07 10:00 pm
You need to get your kids to the DOCTOR. Like, seriously. No, you're not a bad parent, just one who's exhausted and so stressed out that I'm surprised you even remember your own name. This too shall pass....
2016-12-08 12:58 am
Of course others have felt like that. The only thing you can remember is that your son will not be ill forever and your infant will not be teething forever. These are both temporary situations. Take some calming breaths and take it one hour at a time. Eventually the baby will sleep from exhaustion and your oldest will stop getting sick.
2016-12-07 6:50 pm
Crying never hurt a kid. Let it bawl.
2016-12-07 7:17 pm
Being a good mom means trying your best every day,sometimes your best is locking yourself in the bathroom and cry!don't be so hard on yourself!you are only human!
2016-12-09 12:46 am
Some mothers have killed themselves...look at the bright side. You are still here for your kids who do need you, your family doesn't help because they can't or your pride got in the way and didn't ask? There is no shame in accepting help if you have nowhere else to turn
2016-12-07 2:19 pm
Get used to struggling...! Raising two kids on your own is hard, and you will always have days like this. It's okay to have off-days - we all do. But you need to pick yourself up and keep going. Have more faith in yourself - you're a great mum, and those kids need you!
2016-12-07 2:32 pm
pull yourself together your kids need you
2016-12-07 2:17 pm
you are an amazing mum!

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