Do you read your Bible (if you own one) ...?

2016-12-07 9:02 am

Do you read your Bible (if you own one) or take it down from the shelf for the occasinal Suday dusting off?

回答 (10)

2016-12-07 9:08 am
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2016-12-07 9:21 am
I and my son have developed a habit to read the Bible say prayers almost every day but he tries to get out of it a bit and I have been stressed and just watched ministry today. What I learned today or already knew but was brought to light was was God Makes new beginnings from when we thought it was over. God makes new starts .When we see no way God makes a way
2016-12-07 10:55 am
2016-12-07 10:10 am
2016-12-07 9:48 am
2016-12-07 9:26 am
I have read a few chapters now and then when I was really border and the internet was down.
2016-12-07 9:09 am
no, but im going to start soon.!
2016-12-07 9:09 am
2016-12-07 9:03 am
2016-12-07 10:23 am
No. I opened it randomly to two different pages last time I had it. One was a story about a lady that approached the king riding by on his donkey. She complained: "We ate my son yesterday, boiled him we did and we were to eat my friends son today but she hid him". Then I opened to Job when he was depressed. "No good thing comes of a woman" he says. I gave the book to my neighbor. It would of gone to the trash but it was an 1816 KJV.

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