i a white, rich, fat, cigar smoker, homofobe islamofobe, misogynist, capitalist, fart smelling deplorable liberal. is that legal ?

2016-12-07 1:25 am

回答 (13)

2016-12-07 2:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Of course it's legal! There is no law against being a complete @$$hole. Trolling is also legal. So, yeah, I think you're in the clear!
2016-12-07 1:32 am
You're just a liar. We can all see that.
2016-12-07 1:32 am
My dear, you are illiterate. What you are is uneducated.
2016-12-07 1:58 am
Are you quite sure you are not a Republican, it sure sounds like it.
2016-12-07 1:27 am
Legal, but not true. Liberals aren't nearly that gross.
2016-12-07 7:42 am
It's OK, no one cares (besides, you do come off as a Repuke with hemorrhoids, anyway).
2016-12-07 1:49 am
First admendment says its ok
2016-12-07 1:26 am
Sure is.
2016-12-07 1:53 am
Trump, is that you?
2016-12-07 10:14 am
Who cares?
2016-12-07 1:31 am
Oh, you voted for Bill Clinton back when...
2016-12-07 1:26 am
I'm a fa99ot, pedo, feminist, boy/girl, one legged Chinese lesbian dwarf with a strange speech impediment

And a liberal
2016-12-07 3:01 am
You are none of those, with the probable exception of liberal.

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