Opinions on Weather Tech floor liners?

2016-12-07 12:17 am
My dad's truck recently got a thorough detailing inside which it extremely needed. He's not the type to clean the inside often,so I figured I'd get these liners to make it easier to clean.

My only concern is when it's snowing and somebody gets in with wet shoes,would their feet slip around on what looks like to be the plastic material it's made out of?

回答 (5)

2016-12-07 12:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Weather Tech floor mats are soft, flexible, and are not slippery. They have a non marring matte finish.
The deep grooves are meant to hold a lot of liquid and the edges can easily be bent upwards for removal without spilling any liquid/debris. Not cheap but quite good.
2016-12-07 2:53 am
They're more hard rubber than plastic. You'll be fine. Good idea.
2016-12-07 12:51 am
i love mine
2016-12-07 12:27 am
They are great not slippery but occasionally you may want to wipe them down with with 303 aero protectant and they will be a little slippery until it soaks in good. Fit great, come out easily and clean up with a little soap and water. I have them in the front and back of my F150 Crew and in my wife's hatch area in her edge.
2016-12-07 12:26 am
I have them in my truck. They aren't slippery at all. I like mine.

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