Is suicide worth it?

2016-12-06 7:45 pm
I'm 18 male. Please view my other question "I'm ready to give up on life?" . It has all the details and answers from others. I'd like opinions based on my other question. It's long,yes. Sorry. But you need to understand my full situation. Understand I'm not fooling around. I'm dead serious. Life sucks. I've lost everything I need health wise. I got my own car I saved for for months and took a $1000 loan. I can't drive now thanks to mitochondrial disease. I'd appreciate more than anything if you read my other question. I have a GOOD suicide method and it may kill me within minutes.


回答 (48)

2016-12-06 10:44 pm
No: It's a permanent solution for a temporary problem.
2016-12-06 7:53 pm
I would never tell anyone to do such a thing and I'm pleading you to not do any harm, though I am younger than you , my best friend is also trying to commit suicide after loosing her whole family almost, as much as I would love to go back and read your reasoning for why you think this, I can only pray for you even though I am not religious in anyway but, god bless you and have hope 😢 🙏❤😊
2016-12-09 11:25 am
Well, let me tell you. I was very suicial at one point in my life. I wound up being hospitalized because my family was afraid I would succeed in the deed. But now, I am so happy now I didn't go through with it. I know this is probably going to sound cliche, but things change, circumstances change, life changes. Where you are at 18 is going to be completely different 10 years from now. 5 years ago, I was in a big black hole. But with treatment, I got better. I'm not healed, but I've learned that life can can change in beautiful ways if you want it. Don't give up. 5 years ago, I thought I was a complete failure. Couldn't sleep, eat, work, get out of bed. And now, I'm in a big city and living my dream as a writer. How did it happen? Well, I knew deep down that I was destined for something more than just my depression. I didn't want it to define me and win. Don't get me wrong. It takes time. But you can get there. Don't lose hope. You have a big life ahead of you, if you want it.
2016-12-06 7:50 pm
Everything in life is temporary. Put your trust in God, pray, volunteer, get ur life togheter, go swimming, coffee shops, live and love..

You're only 18. You have your whole life ahead. Use your time wisely. We will all die, why rush? Make your life memorable and value your life.

Take care. I care for you, and I am sending you lots of love, kisses and hugs.. Love yours babe xoxo.
2016-12-06 8:06 pm
i feel the same and i wanna kms too!!!!
2016-12-07 11:17 am
I'm sorry that you're still having such a difficult time. Please know that ending one's life is NOT worth it. (Please do *not* post the method of which you're considering in case others are having such challenges, too.) You've been dealt a very tough hand in life, though, you can make a difference in others' lives, such as from bringing awareness to the issue of mitrochondrial disease.

Here is a toll-free 24/7 helpline for those who are feeling suicidal to call:

1-800-273-TALK (8255).
2016-12-09 8:58 pm
no dude, you're only 18. I'm 19, one year older than you so I can vaguely imagine how much it would suck to have mitochondria disease because we've got our full lives ahead of us, it's only just beginning.

I too have thought a lot about suicide and it's on my mind a lot but one thing I've realised is that we're going to die one day anyway. So why kill myself right now if I'll die sometime in the future? I may as well just enjoy what life throws at me right now and if it gets really bad (and I'm talking really bad as in like prison or terminal illness) then suicide can be my escape plan.

But you have mitochondria disease. I'm not going to sugarcoat anything like many people here. Truth is, life is rough af. I'm not going to pretend to know what it is you're going through right now, from what I can tell it sounds harsh. I wanted to suicide as well not because of a disease but because of mental issues.

The thing is, on the internet you're going to get everyone telling you not to do it. I want to say the same thing as well but I know you've already heard it a million times. And I don't know your situation fully, if I was in your place I probably would kill myself because I'm not right in the head. But not until I've done everything I wanted to on this planet. So the least you could do is go out and experience life. Just do whatever is possible and don't give a damn about anything else.

Everyone telling you life is amazing is just saying that from their perspective because they live a lucky, happy life. But some people are not fortunate to get that. They don't understand your suffering.

Disease is one of the worst things to have, because it slowly destroys you. im sorry

The most important advice I can tell you right now is to start meditation. It's really simple, just start by doing 10 minutes everyday. I recommend going to the reddit meditation forum for a sense of community and to keep up motivation. Or find any meditation forum but I prefer the reddit one as it keeps things strictly in the realm of science only.

After you get used to it, just start by thinking to yourself "I feel better". Just repeat that for like 2 minutes during meditation. Actually say it with confidence, don't just say it. Legitimately think that you are feeling better. Also try to do it whenever you are suffering from physical or emotional pain. I guarantee you'll get results, I tried it and I've been feeling a lot better and happier than I did before. Good luck bro
2016-12-09 3:01 pm
100 percent
2016-12-09 2:36 pm
No suicide is never the answer ! We all have low points very low points in life but we honestly got too ride it out I couldn't tell you how many times i wanted to throw in the towel but honestly if I had I wouldn't know they those times pass ! We all feel alone, we all feel depressed we all go through things we can't tell people, we all feel like we're not good enough but that's life and once your self esteem boost up and your pieces come together your going too be like wow! Get out find something you love too do! Go for a walk clear your head, write some stuff in your journal find god, find yourself,your young and I promise you you it might not feel like it but you have so much too live for and you are important and I know it doesn't feel like it because the world is so big but it's true you have too wait it out so you can see what you were put on this earth too do but I hope you get better and I know you will because we've all been there stay strong
2016-12-09 1:42 am
No. I had a phase where I felt the same. It was due to an underlying problem that has only been resolved literally two months ago that had went on for four or five years. Eventually down the line I never had the guts to go the whole route and instead turned to alcohol and drug abuse. Whatever you're going through mate there is always help and although it may be difficult to tell someone. There are people you can talk to out there in complete confidence etc. Don't give up on life bro
2016-12-08 10:40 pm
'Worth' can only be determined in retrospect, which is impossible to do if you're dead.

It sounds like you're despairing. You've given up. I cannot possibly be in a position to assess your life, but what I would say is this. You're in a perfect position of hopelessness to try something that could utterly transform your life, as it has done for many others. Psychedelic drugs, like magic mushrooms. But please don't think of the word 'drug' as something purely for fun and addictive. Psychedelics aren't called the 'spirit' drug for no reason, and magic mushrooms (which grow naturally) are arguably a cause of our quick evolution from apes to great apes. They induce an experience that is naturally discovered through meditation, only they're an artificial shortcut that provide a glimpse of the 'oneness' that is your real identity, beyond all the labels and self conceptions. Once you have experience this, and felt the blissful release from the psychological tension that's currently motivating you to ask this question, you could perhaps look into lines of work that further this study. If you get as far as trying them, just remember that small dosages are the safe way to have a good trip, and gradually increase those. I had bad trips on mine from rushing this, and had pretty scary bad trips (which are nevertheless manageable), but if I could I'd start smaller next time.

P.s. Check out Alan watts on YouTube. He's a deceased philosopher from the 60s who is like a magician with these ideas.
2016-12-08 3:02 am
It's a faze we all go through when we feel no one likes us sexually for a relationship and when we feel our family is against us in youth.
When you hit 26, you have a midlife crises apithany that helps us realize were very loved by our parents far more than we could have possibly imagined before. We figure out they were not against us, but quite the opposite in odd ways we never would of expected.

Getting grounded for staying out late, concerned for your well being of putting your own life in danger because of drunk drivers who cannot see you cross the street and kidnappers who want to take you away from your loving family.

Being dissapointed because of bad grades, they don't want you living on the streets as a bum and want you to have a loving partner, give them grandkids, and for you to work a steady job being your own independent self relient own happy person. In other words, they want you to have the same things you want and will help you if asked to the best of their knowle
參考: dge. There is alot more, but if you asked and they told you, i don't think you would listen. We all never do till after 26 years old because we have it in our minds that we know everything till then. We didn't know shit. There is why they work, why they cannot spend time with you, if they could they would, but don't want to embarest you in public because they went through the same things you did with their parent, your grandparents. The only time in my life i almost tried to take my own life was 22 over realization that i was not loved like i thought and it dawned me finally. Long story short, i bitch slapped myself remembering what my mom told me which was "she's the lucky one if she finds you, not you, never sell yourself short like that, your a genuine soul".
2016-12-07 8:01 pm
I promise you'll be so happy if you don't in the future, you'll think "my god im happy to be here today and i'm so thankful i didn't do that", I'm sorry about what your going through with. But i promise it's a permanent solution to a problem that will go away.

I was depressed and wanted to kill myself 2 years ago, and i got help and i'm so happy i did, because here i am, living a happy healthy life, so thankful i didn't do anything to myself.

I promise you will get better, life has so many adventures, everyone goes through these hard bumps in life, everyone.

Get better soon, you're in my prayers <3
2016-12-07 3:39 am
Of course not.

Thousands of people worldwide battle each day against war, poverty, diseases, etc to stay alive while you in a country in relative peace with enough food and a healthy body want to throw it away?

Take that healthy body and use it every day to improve the life of at least one other person.

That is what would be worth it.

You have a functional mind and some physical challenges - use them to make your spot in the world brighter.
2016-12-10 12:39 am
Idk but if I knew you, we can leave this world together.
2016-12-07 12:35 pm
Never. Life gets better. It always does. Facing small, big, HUGE bumps in life happens to everyone and is just how you learn from things and get stronger. STAY ALIVE, there will be amazing surprises in your life, you gotta be alive to experience them! Just know YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I love you!
2016-12-06 7:45 pm
2016-12-07 5:26 am
I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling like you want to end it all. Some people feel such intense anguish that they see no reason to continue living. Why would anyone consider taking his or her own life? A number of factors could be involved. For one thing, we live in “critical times hard to deal with,” and many adolescents feel the pressures of life with great intensity. (2 Timothy 3:1). Then, too, human imperfection can cause some to harbor deeply negative thoughts about themselves and the world around them (Romans 7:22-24). Sometimes this is because of mistreatment (or who knows...fluctuating hormones). In other cases, a medical issue may be involved. My advice to you is to please get help or seek out someone you trust and express your feelings to release some of that stress and emotion you are holding onto. Don’t keep those feelings to yourself. Talk to someone—a friend, teacher, or anyone else who cares and who will listen to your concerns and take you seriously. You have nothing to lose—and everything to gain—by talking out your problems. When undergoing distress, remember this: No matter how dire a situation may seem, in time things WILL change (Psalm 30:11). In due time you may discover a way of coping that you hadn’t considered. The point is, distressing problems will not stay the same forever (2 Corinthians 4:17).

If there is a Hearer of prayer, logically he must be the Creator. Who else but the One who designed the human brain could read your thoughts? Who else could respond to prayers and provide mankind with the help they need? But you may wonder, ‘Is it rational to believe in a Creator?’

Lastly, the most important form of communication you can have is prayer. It is real communication with your heavenly Father, who wants you to “pour out your heart” to him (Psalm 62:8). Consider the following basic truths about God:

● He is aware of the circumstances that contribute to your distress.—Psalm 103:14.
● He knows you better than you know yourself.—1 John 3:20.
● “He loves and cares for you.”—1 Peter 5:7.
● In his new world, God will “wipe out every tear” from your eyes.—Revelation 21:4.

Therefore, “Let your petitions (or prayers) be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers.”—Philippians 4:6, 7.

Best to you!
參考: personal response and
2016-12-11 8:04 pm
No it is not. It's definitely more trouble than it's worth. My suggestion for you is two things. First do a bunch of fun exciting things that you've never done like skydiving or something. Then after doing fun stuff, go to a really scary place, like somewhere known to be haunted (Don't do that alone if possible though. Even if a person can't come with you bring an animal like a pet). Trust me after these two things you should have this to think about: #1 The fun stuff is enjoyable and you have learned more about life and #2 After being in an unsettling "I shouldn't be here" environment, you will realize that you do value your life. Also get like 2 or 3 pets (I suggest more than one because them interacting with each other should provide you with entertainment and their innocent looks should remind you that there is good in the world). If after all of that you still hold no value for living, then you MUST seek the assistance of medical professionals.
2016-12-10 7:24 am
It's not like you can come back to see if it was worth it. I would tell you to ask someone who did it but the dead can't and will never speak. You would've did better asking if living is worth it. We all can tell you if it is or isn't since we're actually alive to do so.
2016-12-08 11:53 pm
How can it be when the one that does it will never know if even next year would turn their life around.
There are states that have doctor assisted suicides for those who have little hope.
The suffering gets to be too much and it is worth it to those
in excruciating pain that even morphine doesn't help.
2016-12-08 10:02 pm
Since we have yet not distinguished what happens after death, then no, it's not worth it. Life is an amazing thing. We are extremely lucky to have been gifting with life. The earth has created the exact environment needed to create life, there are endless planets out there, and up to now, we haven't found other life forms. There were millions of 'sperm', and you happened to be the one that came out. The chances of you having life were like 1/10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. Just think about that.
Don't do anything stupid that you can't go back on.
2016-12-08 6:29 pm
What the heck, jimmy, a quick online skim says mitochondrial disease can kill you. Why not take it as a challenge to see how long you can beat it? If you live long enough you might be around when a cure is developed.
The thing is, taking your life is irreversible, but diseases are often reversible. Also, my hubby has read of people who tried suicide, died, and then came back.They had stories of being grabbed by, basically, demons and ended up desperately talking their way out of being kept there. It's a bit different from the tales of accidental near death experiences, which seem to have a much friendlier group welcoming the newcomers and telling them their options.
2016-12-08 12:36 am
Not worth it. People still care about you, know matter what. I feel like my life is **** a lot, but I know that it can't get better if I kill myself.
2016-12-08 12:24 am
Not if you haven't done everything you can to remedy the problem. See a therapist and ask her/him how you can improve the quality of your life. But dont tell them you are considering suicide. This is what they are there for.
There are drugs that can make you feel better. See a psychiatrist for that.
Don't give up so easily.
Seek God in this case. Going to church may help.
God bless!
2016-12-07 4:22 pm
No!!!!! Don't!!!! You beautiful soul
2016-12-07 7:34 am
For U & I. My mentor told me that we should not jump into any hasty or wrong steps. We should take prior permission from all concerned. They say it is a risky and dangerous mischief.
參考: own.
2016-12-07 3:54 am
Only you can decide if it's worth it. After all it's your life and nobody else's. So, decide.
2016-12-08 3:07 pm
Suicide is never the answer. Your life is not yours to take. Everything will always get better.
2016-12-09 1:06 am
Do it if you're a dude that hasn't been laid by age 26. It's over for you mind.
2016-12-07 9:49 pm
2016-12-12 11:32 am
No. Don't do it. Trust me, life gets better. Much better. Last year I was about to commit suicide too, I was being bullied for 2 years. But now I am homeschooled, and I am really happy. This is the best year of my life! Please do not give up, life has something amazing for you!! Stay strong champ xx
2016-12-12 1:32 am
You won't regret it because you'll be dead.
2016-12-11 12:12 am
You've lived only one fifth of your life. So many people would be so hurt, for a very long time. No one celebrates suicide. You are physically ill. I've been so physically ill that I have contemplated suicide also. Then, after a couple of years I started getting better. I'm still sick with this psychologically tormenting neurological condition, but it's no longer near AS BAD as it used to be. I was very surprised that it got better. Sometimes people can be sick and miserable for five years then suddenly there is mercy- and they are cut loose, freed from that torment, and they can be happy again. Something will get better for you. If you take that way out, then you'll never know what would have been better. Get help if you are suffering, my friend. No one wants to wake up and find out that you committed suicide. Death is very unforgiving- Death will not allow you to come back. But suffering does lighten- even a lot-it even goes away fully sometimes. Hope is worth it.
2016-12-11 12:12 am
No it's not worth it and it's not the right choice. Please know that it would cause too much pain for your lived ones. Not fair they'd have to live with that pain forever. I want you to get help please because you can change your whole world and way of thinking. Do not do this. Please. Please. Please. I'm so sorry you are hurting so bad to even consider this. But we all live with pain. Trust me. You aren't alone but you need to change your world up , go hot the open road , be crazy and discover things out there, but not this.
2016-12-10 6:23 pm
2016-12-10 5:26 am
Yes sometimes it is worth it
2016-12-10 2:22 am
You never no what waits for you after death, so you decide.
2016-12-08 6:19 pm
No one to ask.
2016-12-08 5:30 pm
its your choice man. i think about it everyday. people here keep saying you will "feel" better, but feelings of happiness or sorrow are irrelevant when you die. once you are disconnected from your pain, there will be mo regret, no happiness, no sadness. this isnt because you will be unconcious, but it is because "feelings" are all made up by your brain.
2016-12-08 2:15 pm
I doubt it. In the end i'm always glad i stayed, no matter how bad my thoughts were.
2016-12-07 11:34 pm
No one knows. People who have killed themselves can't come back and tell us. I say you should just keep fighting, find things you can enjoy. Go through the pain, once it gets better it'll be worth it. If you really don't think it'll get better, if the pain is too much, I guess you can kill yourself. You'll probably regret it.
2016-12-07 8:20 pm
2016-12-07 10:00 am
No, how can you end your life like this. Its valuable and worthful to you.
2016-12-07 4:11 am
The problem is that nobody knows what the it is. If the it was like heaven or something, then I would say Heck Yah! And probably kill myself. But the fact that you don't know what the it is leads me to answer this question as a no.
2016-12-07 1:46 am
whats the method...?
2016-12-07 12:33 am
Please see a Doctor today thanks and if

given instructions by Doc,...,sleep for 36 hours.

then review with a clear mind and go back to

see Doc and ask about you doing either

Moodgym ANU


thanks, or both

they take about four months to learn

and apply

and the results are permenant.

Good Luck & Best Wishes

Mars Mission

source:) I hold qualifications on the
type of therapy called congnitive behaviour therapy. And Stanford Uni podcasts.
2016-12-08 6:15 pm
Try euthanasia. You could die in a drug-induced coma, after the chemicals make your brain happy. I should have done this long ago, nothing but misery and hard-work down the road.
2016-12-07 9:35 pm
yes. Suicide is always the answer.

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