if god is real explain Africa?

2016-12-06 6:33 pm

回答 (73)

2016-12-06 7:58 pm
What has Africa got to do with whether God is real or not?
2016-12-06 6:37 pm
Did you know that Christianity is growing faster in Africa than in any other country and that Africa has the largest resources for Christian missionary evangelism. That's right, Africa converts more people in this world than the United States, so stop hatin on Africa because its people are working for your American Corporations, killing themselves for slave labor by "your" rich American brothers and sisters who prey on all poor people, even other Americans. Wayne T made your question look like its handicap lmao. Explain American stupidity and demoralization or rather American herd degeneration?
2016-12-06 8:32 pm
Explain what about Africa? Be more specific.
2016-12-07 2:04 am
Explain *what* about Africa?
2016-12-06 7:04 pm
People wanted to rule themselves and didn't want God to interfere. So he has given humans one day to do what they want and it has not worked out so well.
Africa is a beautiful continent of many resources and jungles and animals and plants not known anywhere else in the world. It could be a wonderful home for millions of people. But they choose to fight and kill each other. The continent is made up of 58 nations smaller than our states. Most were at war with each other last year. They choose to do that. So is that God's fault?
2016-12-06 6:47 pm
Africa is the way it is, whether God exists or not.

Africa is also a huge place with a lot of different parts. You might want to be more specific.
2016-12-07 2:36 am
God is real.. He created Africa... Africa is the world's second-largest and second-most-populous continent. At about 30.3 million km² . It covers six per cent of Earth's total surface area and 20.4 per cent of its total land area.
With 1.1 billion people as of 2013, it accounts for about 15% of the world's human population.[1] The continent is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, both the Suez Canal and the Red Sea along the Sinai Peninsula to the northeast, the Indian Ocean to the southeast, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.
NOT sure what that has to do with God existing... but it does prove God's existence... because it too exists.

Anyway if you would like to find out more.. just google it!
2016-12-06 6:34 pm
Its a Continent
2016-12-06 6:42 pm
It's a beautiful continent that is in some parts mismanaged by its government and citizens.
2016-12-06 6:49 pm
What's to explain? It's one of the continents, which split off from Earth's single land-mass. Science calls it Continental Drift. It is recorded in Genesis 10.
2016-12-06 8:41 pm
2016-12-07 12:02 am
Africa the second biggest continent. It makes up 20% of the earth's land surface. It contains a very wide variety of climates, terrain, cultures, and government systems. In 2005 a previously unknown rainforest was discovered in Mozambique, Africa. It was discovered by a guy who was messing around on Google earth.
Is there anything specific about Africa you want explained?
2016-12-06 6:37 pm
Is God to Blame for Human Suffering?

“It is unthinkable for the true God to act wickedly, for the Almighty to do wrong!”

Job 34:10

“When under trial, let no one say: ‘I am being tried by God.’ For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone.”

James 1:13

“Throw all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.”

1 Peter 5:7

“Jehovah is not slow concerning his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.”

2 Peter 3:9

Song of Solomon 1:5
I am dark, but lovely,

Genesis 1:28
Further, God blessed them, and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on the earth.”

Acts 10:35
but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him

Matthew 24:14
14 And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations,+ and then the end will come.
2016-12-07 8:59 am
No. Why should I? What does God have to explain about problems man can and should fix?

If God exists your question is redundant.
If God does not exist your question is irrelevant.
2016-12-07 1:55 am
This question is a good example of the Crybaby Fallacy.

Can you explain quantum physics? If not, that means quantum physics cannot possilby exist.

Here endeth the lesson.
2016-12-06 10:29 pm
Sorry but I don't understand the Question, in my mind the existence of Africa has nothing to do with God.
2016-12-07 12:18 pm
Africa is to prove he made whites superior. Sure, Jesus was Jewish, but that is closest to white when you look at the first two components of a PCA analysis. He would not have been black or Chinese!
2016-12-06 7:28 pm
Explain what? Africa is a continent. How bad could it be. White folks went there, took it over, raped it, pillaged its resources, enforced their own laws as long as they could and are still there.
2016-12-06 6:44 pm
Christianity is EXPLODING in Africa. You explain it. NO, you don't' know Africa better than Africans, dumb blowhard hahaha
2016-12-06 6:40 pm
It's a rather simplistic answer, but the bottom line, in a nutshell, is that people reject God and turn their backs on Him, and they face the consequences. The consequences of sin is so devastating that it affects future generations.

So, what are YOU doing about the problems in Africa? Are you part of the solution (that is, you've turned to God and you've quit rejecting Him), or are you still part of the problem (you are still rejecting God, and you are in rebellion against Him)? Just remember, it's extremely hypocritical to whine and complain about a problem or even to comment on the problem while pointing fingers, when you're part of the cause!
2016-12-07 8:28 am
God is real. I'm not gonna explain all about Africa's exsistence. God does some weird stuff, but ALWAYS for a reason. There is this quote which I do not know the author of, however it reads: If God answers your prayer, he is increasing your faith. If he waits to answer it, he is increasing your patience. If he doesn't answer it at all, he has something better for you.

There are multiple reasons that this quote can produce (from least likely to most):

1. More people need to pray for people in Africa to have help. This is highly unlikely as God isn't the kind of person to just not take action because not enough people care, although it could be possible as God is a mysterious guy.
2. God thinks that people are a bit impatient. This could be true, some people have grown impatient over the years.
3. God has something better for Africa. Maybe he plans on taking them all to Heaven/The New World.

You can pray for the answer, and God may give it to you.

(Also, it's God with a capital G.)
2016-12-08 11:15 pm
Africa is a continent that God made .. with animals that bite.
2016-12-07 5:49 pm
Mumbo Jumbo is God of the Congo
2016-12-07 8:27 am
God (with a capital G, fool) created everything. Therefore, he created Africa. He created you in His image. It was you alone who made yourself as fukkin' stupid as you happen to be...
2016-12-07 8:05 am
She is not real.
2016-12-07 6:09 am
A continent shaped like a McDonald's chicken nugget.
2016-12-07 3:48 am
god is real, africa is real
2016-12-06 11:57 pm
Free Will.
I have spent months in Africa.
2016-12-06 9:22 pm
God is real. But what is your question ???
參考: Bible + jw.org
2016-12-06 6:41 pm
Yes, it is a big place with lots of fierce animals.....and tigers.
2016-12-08 2:52 am
Really that's your argument? "If God is real then explain Africa." It's like you're saying that Africa is a bad and horrible place or something. It's not. It's beautiful. God made it that way. And if you're saying God's way he made Africa is not good cuz they don't have enough food or water to live for a thousands of years, then you're an idiot. God does not care if you have food or not. Only him. So, there is no need for him to give them food. It's beautiful the way he made it. Just like transformer 2: Revenge of the fallen. It's beautiful the way it is. No changes Are needed. It's a masterpiece.
2016-12-06 10:29 pm
Wondering why Black? The Quran gives you the answer for the color:

'O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)'. ( Quran, Chap49 V 13)

Color is merely Gods design to check your faith and your treatment of colors, having all been made from a single parent of Adam and Eve.

'Blessed be He in Whose hands is Dominion; and He over all things hath Power;-
He Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed: and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving;- (Quran ,Chap67 verse 1,2)
2016-12-06 6:34 pm
you can google Africa
2016-12-07 1:28 am
I have spent some time on this continent and I was there for quite long. I cannot see the wiped out of natural religions or natural beliefs have changed much of this continent.

Anyway I don't believe there is a god because a god means more confusion.
2016-12-06 6:37 pm
How does Toto's Africa disprove God??
2016-12-06 7:17 pm
What I know about Africa is that many African's because man has taken away everything else to believe in have turned to God through Jesus Christ. The same is true in the Middle East. The same is true now all over the world.
2016-12-06 6:36 pm
2016-12-08 12:27 am
It isn't because of God. The Africans have the world's lowest IQ's and as a result, still largely live in a Neolithic state; a state the human race departed 40,000 years ago. This is the same reason why the worst places in America are all black. Even the least developed nation in the western hemisphere is black Haiti. Africa would improve greatly is blacks weren't there to keep it so rotten.
2016-12-24 10:44 pm
ok... god (grand old dad) is real!~......but first explain yourself?
i'd like to see how you think, for myself... the truth, right here, shall only be expressed by way of one's honest words... the truth is within the feeling one gets when all that you want is honesty in the form of the truth...
2016-12-15 7:54 pm
africa is the way it is, whether god exists or not...

africa is also a huge place with a lot of different parts... you might want to be more specific...
2016-12-13 5:56 pm
what's to explain? it's one of the continents, which split off from earth's single land-mass... science calls it continental drift... it is recorded in genesis 10...
2016-12-10 2:33 am
Whatever has transpired on the continent of Africa or any other continent where people live the damage has always be man made or a natural phenomena.
2016-12-09 5:29 am
there are 29-different countries in the continent. it originated as giant plate in part of Pangaea. as the parts started to drift apart, it was recognized as a single continent, which smashed rather hard, into the lower edges of asia, and europe.
it is still pushing northward today.
up until about 6000-years ago the northern desert known as the Sahara did not exist, and travel back and forth, north and south, could occur easily.
for instance; did you know that the "chicken" was introduced to africa from anatolia, turkey across the mediterranean, and not the other way around?
curious but true.
2016-12-09 4:46 am
The Israelites NEVER called nor referred to The Most High as "God".
God (aka- Troop -aka- Fortune) is the Babylonian deity(idol) of fortune!
2016-12-09 1:45 am
K. It's a very big continent where humans originated. It's usually hot and tropical and has tons of natural resources which means it's people will be stomped on and robbed.
2016-12-09 1:34 am
God is African >.>
2016-12-08 10:25 pm
A place where woman go to express there intellectual superiority
2016-12-08 9:04 pm
He created it.
2016-12-08 8:23 pm
People who suffer often tend to have a stringer faith in God. I would try to explain Africa but I think you should ask African people that question.
2016-12-08 2:34 am
What about it.. Satan does exist
2016-12-08 12:03 am
god made afrida like he made all the other's their leaders did not follow through with making it livable for it's people. many cites are very modern but so many lead by bad people are not. blame man for not making it better.
2016-12-07 11:30 pm
Explain Africa????? What do you mean???
Africa is a continent that is part of the global earth.
2016-12-07 10:42 pm
Africa what do you mean explain it
2016-12-07 10:25 pm
Non sequiter... one has nothing to do with the other.
2016-12-07 9:52 pm
God really is African?
2016-12-07 9:45 pm
What is the connection.
You could equally say, "Explain tomatoes"
2016-12-07 8:14 pm
No problem. Africa is what is now called a "continent"
Millions and millions of years ago, all the continents were one giant land mass. Plates under the land masses broke off in millions of years of time creating continents.
2016-12-07 7:57 pm
OK. GoD (Grand old Dad) is real!~..but first explain Yourself?
I'd like to see how you think, for myself. The Truth, right here, will only be expressed by way of one's honest words. The Truth is within the feeling one gets when all that you want is honesty in the form of The Truth.
2016-12-07 7:54 pm
God isn't real.
2016-12-07 5:59 pm
Africa being the way it is has nothing to do with any god. Gods don't exist.
2016-12-07 4:14 pm
And Asia - and Europe - and the Americas - and Australasia - surely? (And Antarctica, sorry!)
2016-12-07 1:03 pm
2016-12-07 9:28 am
I suggest you edit your question.
2016-12-07 3:50 am
what is the question supposed to be about?
2016-12-07 12:54 am
Why Africa? You do know there are other continents, don't you?
2016-12-07 12:19 am
Lol Africans are Christians more than Americans are so...
2016-12-06 9:20 pm
Explanation: It is big continent with many countries south of Europe.
2016-12-06 8:11 pm
God’s Kingdom, the government that Jesus told his followers to pray for in Matthew 6:10 is the only solution to the poverty in Africa.
2016-12-08 3:58 pm
Please do not confuse them.

Africa does not know how to explain the real god to you. The country cannot help you. Consult one or two intelligent people among them. They may be of some help.
參考: compiled.
2016-12-07 1:07 pm
he isnt
2016-12-06 6:55 pm
Are you referring to the poverty? Let me explain something to you. While I have never visited Africa, I have visited another impoverished nation- the Dominican Republic. I visited young orphans with quite awful living conditions, regions with no electricity or water, regions with constant plague and starvation. The people there had nothing. Despite the fact that they had nothing, they were along the happiest people I have ever met.
2016-12-06 7:07 pm
It has lots of black peoples
2016-12-06 6:35 pm

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