Are there any free education sites for all ages That Work?

2016-12-06 5:18 pm

回答 (5)

2016-12-06 7:06 pm
You may want to check with your local library in your area.
2016-12-06 5:45 pm
Depends what you are trying to learn.

In general though, yes.

As an example here, I have three apps, two websites, and Youtube that I'm using to learn Finnish and other languages, and I'm doing quite well.

My husband has several websites he's using to learn more about computer programming. He swears he's learned more from them than he learned in college for the same thing.

And so on and so forth...

Search for what you want to learn. See what happens.
2016-12-06 5:38 pm
It might be helpful to mention what you're trying to learn. In general, believe it or not, YouTube is a great resource. It's free and there's a ton of great material out there. Here are a few educational channels I highly recommend:

1. CrashCourse: You can find 10-15 minute videos on everything- physics, philosophy, literature, history, economics, even game studies. They're fun to watch and break everything down in an accessible way.

2. MinutePhysics: Awesome, super short videos that answer huge questions. For example, do cause an effect really exist? Why does the solar system float? Where do galaxies come from?

3. Smarter Every Day: An actual rocket scientist will teach you physics!

4. Sexplanations: An actual doctor/sexologist talks about every aspect of sex, from biology basics, to consent, to fetishes, and everything in between.

5. HowStuffWorks: Pretty much what it says on the can. But still, very educational and easy to follow!
2016-12-06 5:30 pm
coursera, udemy, EdX
2016-12-06 5:20 pm
Yes. It's called public school. There's a site near you.

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