I'm ready to give up on life?

2016-12-06 7:24 am
I'm 18 male. I have an illness/disease called mitochondrial disease. It is hell. 24/7 fatigue,dizziness,migraine,pressure in head,brain fog,eyes both sensitive to light(increases migraine and also things look too dark or light ...basically fake like a video game kind of or a dream...all 24/7),Reynaud's,bad knee,bad joints,sleep apnea,depression,anxiety,sensitivity to touch issues (I have to go pee often especially at night like every 10 min but barely "go"...and I can t handle how clothes feel against me especially at night. It worsens sleep apnea),and more...probably lost more,24/7...including my newest and bbbbaaaadddddd issue,pneumothorax/partial lung collapse. First happened this August. Was in children's for 3 days and had chest tube to drain out air collapsing lung. (I missed work and lost lots of money and im pissed today about that) From that time my chest never went back to "normal". All of by body always feels "off" like pressure and achiness all from mitochondrial disease,but since then my chest always hurts on my right side around lung. Well,2 weeks ago it happened again!!! I had the chest tube,but also surgery. They chopped the top part of my lung off,then stapled it shut. Then attached it to back of chest wall by irritating it. My left lung has blebs(pockets of air) if those collapse ill have my second lung go bad. That time I was hospitalized for about 5 days. I'm screwed and lost work money. Also almost crashed last month practicing driving due to brain fog.

回答 (13)

2016-12-06 7:33 am
don't.. please...I want yo to live
2016-12-06 7:32 am
U need to see a therapist or get counseling about this.
Get professional help.
2016-12-06 9:39 pm
I'm a 14 yr old girl and before you scroll past thinking I haven't got a clue what I'm talking about, just read. I have depression and bipolar but I'm not going to say I know how you feel bc I really don't, but I'm gonna try and help you. Do you like doing a certain something? singing, watching YouTube videos, ice skating, seeing family? if you do then why don't you bring it to life? maybe become a YouTube blogger talking about your life or showing people glitches in the latest Xbox game, The one thing I do that helps me get through the day is sing and play guitar, it really helps. You could even take up a new hobby like maybe some of the ones I used for examples. If you cant get around that much then why don't you get friends to come to your house and you can watch movies or have a good banterous roasting session, just try to have a little fun, don't lock yourself away from the world, youre missing out on lots of amazing opportunities' like finding a girl/boy (whoever youre into). Theres not much I can say but imagine your future, how bright its gonna be! imagine sitting on the couch next to your beautiful wife/husband and your gorgeous children who adore you, thinking about how proud you are of yourself for doing the right thing and not letting your pu'sy *** problems take over your life, youll see how weak they are and how strong you are! Tbh I've just motivated myself by writing this so I hope it motivates you too x
2016-12-06 8:34 am
Don't give up just yet bud. There are some treatments that won't necessarily cure it but may give you a microboost.

See if your doctor can give you B-Vitamin Complex and try a ketogenic diet. Mitochrondria is the powerhouse of a cell. When you eat good stuff it can take the edge off. If you can't eat it. You can drink it. There is always a light in darkness.
2016-12-06 7:28 am
Mitochondrial disease” refers to a group of disorders. Each of ... However, many people have a normal life span with their disease well managed .you need to see another Doctor. I am so sorry that you have this disease.. God blass you!
2016-12-07 2:09 am
Drink some liquor and smoke some bud
2016-12-15 4:26 am
u need to see a therapist or get counseling about this...
get professional help...
2016-12-07 10:06 am
I bet you believe you're reducible to pure chemical reactions, right? Riiiightt....
2016-12-07 8:11 am
well, you're young enough to be my son- to begin with...
I think it's simply enough to make your words here shake and thrill my heart and soul...
it's very hard to evaluate/ opinate ''by phone''
2016-12-06 7:38 am
Keep pushing forward don't give up on life man trust my i tried taking my own life and I regret it when I realized what I did trust me it's better to live then die not 100% know what happens after death remember don't give up on life because life hasn't given up on you
2016-12-06 7:30 am
dedicate rest of you life to Mitochondrial research. Sounds like it really sucks, but sloths barely move too, although they dont think much.
2016-12-06 7:26 am
I wrote this question.....I no longer drive the car I BOUGHT thanks to brakn fog. I have no reason to live. I'm sorry for the long post but people don't answer seriously unless they see I'm not fooling around. Thanks for any help I appreciate it. Please answer and feel free to post a long post
2016-12-11 10:10 pm
first go to the doctor and tell them everything, they might be able to give you meds to help cure the dedease... then go to a counseler
2016-12-07 1:58 am
first go to the doctor and tell them everything, they might be able to give you meds to help cure the dedease. then go to a counseler

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