What are home remedies for ulcer on leg that actually work?

2016-12-06 1:28 am

回答 (2)

2016-12-06 2:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
You probably need something internal
and something external
at the same time.
You will need a doctor to prescribe an antibiotic.
A great antiseptic is ionic silver water.

You hang two silver electrodes
in a container of distilled water
and connect a 9 volt battery across them,
for 24 hours, or until the water
gets a slight yellow tinge
or you can see the beam of a laser pointer
in the water,
indicating that tiny particles of silver are forming.
Don't let the connecting wires
of other metals get in the water.

I use a pair of Canadian one ounce,
99.99% pure silver coins,
for the electrodes.
They last for years.

I don't trust anything from China
to have the advertised purity.

Silver water is the only thing that cured
a bad skin infection on my dog.

And I use it, all the time as a topical antiseptic.
It even works as an eye wash for pink eye.

You are welcome to email me,
if you want help making silver water,
or if you want me
to send you a bottle of it.

If you can't make silver water,
hydrogen peroxide might work,
but it will do more damage
and hurt more.


John Popelish
2016-12-06 1:36 am
There aren't any.

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