I want to start up an ecommerse store business. How do I start it and is it expensive?

2016-12-06 12:44 am

回答 (5)

2016-12-07 12:07 pm
Check the website Excellence-success. Also look for a shop or store business plan on Fiverr
2016-12-08 11:05 pm
How do you plan to set it up? Do you have a good supplier that will ship directly to your customer when you place the order?

Then all you need is one sample item of each thing you want to sell...just to take the picture you will put on your website. My cousin does this, and after he takes the pictures, he sells the item, too..so he doesn't have to store a lot of stuff. He got the information from a book he found called working from home using your computer and your brain. You can also go to Fiverr and look for a business plan for a boutique or shop.

You will need a business plan to start any business. A business plan and a bank account.
2016-12-12 4:36 am
you need to get a web site and they will cost a good penny if you get someone to design a good one
2016-12-07 3:21 pm
Start with a simple business plan and financial projections to understand whether the business is viable.
2016-12-06 12:56 am
Small Loan of a Million Dollars

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