Is there any good free anti-virus protection that would work on a computer?

2016-12-06 12:43 am

回答 (10)

2016-12-06 1:52 am
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I've been testing avast Free against panda free.

And while avast does a better job disinfecting deep trouble with its boot time scan.

Panda did a better job keeping out the malware.

Try avast and schedule malware bytes scan weekly

Or panda
2016-12-06 12:58 am
2016-12-09 5:35 am
yes i use avast anti virus
2016-12-08 10:54 pm
I second Avast. It's a very good software/antivirus and it's free.
2016-12-07 2:10 pm
Avast is a common choice for free antivirus.
2016-12-06 1:02 am
Avira is probably the best. But there is no top notch free antivirus
2016-12-10 8:43 am
AVG also use a superantispywear
2016-12-06 12:45 am
Si quieres puedes descargar Avast y instalas una licencia despues de instalado el antivirus
2016-12-07 5:28 pm
pay $35 and get it for 3 pcs!
2016-12-06 3:58 am
Yes, get the "Sophos Home," it is a great antivirus.
2016-12-06 1:03 am
My school makes us use ClearPass OnGuard and it seems to work fine.
2016-12-06 12:57 am
Norton, actually. It'll lag your computer like crazy and literally block out anything the slightest virus can get on, though. Not good if you have a gaming computer.
2016-12-06 12:52 am
PC Magazine has a collection of reviews of free anti-virus. See the link, below.

So far no one has posted a download link in their answer. If someone does, please don't click it. They probably mean well, but you shouldn't trust anonymous software downloads, especially for anti-virus software.
2016-12-06 12:47 am
2016-12-06 7:21 am
Quickly Free Antivirus
2016-12-06 1:02 am
Webroot? I don't know
2016-12-08 8:43 pm
Basically that depends if you are using windows then there is Microsoft Security Essentials which is free anti-virus which works awesome than any other anti-virus.(In windows 10 there is no need of anti-virus as windows 10 have inbuilt software named as Windows Defender)
2016-12-06 2:33 am
windows 10 has antivirus built in. windows defender

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