Is this a strange way to feel? Am I normal?

2016-12-05 1:34 pm
My ex broke up with me about 3 months ago. We had our fights, and our screwed up things we did to each other, but in the end, I loved her more than anything else. Our relationship became exclusively long distance on top of our issues, so she broke up with me. I begged for a week or two, but she wasn t having it. Now i feel weird, three months later. I just want her to be so happy. I want her to smile. I want her to have everything she wants in life. It s not like this is a fleeting thought. I m able to live my life and I m enjoying life, but when I m alone and get thinking about her. I just enjoy thinking of her smiling and being happy. It s so bittersweet. I love her so much. I wish her all the best. It s so bittersweet. Sometimes i scroll through her Facebook and look at there new pictures. I just smile like an idiot while tears well up in my eyes. I just love seeing her happy, even if it hurts. Is this a weird way to feel? Is there something wrong?

回答 (1)

2016-12-05 1:35 pm
No, it's perfectly normal to feel this way when you are in love.

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