Hi guys need help.. what good math book should you recommend for me? Im very bad at math btw, i need an easy and understandable book.thanks?

2016-12-05 9:27 am

回答 (3)

2016-12-05 1:47 pm
"The Complete Idiot's Guide" is a good series.
2016-12-05 11:00 am
Danica McKellar has written popular books that appeal in particular to students who hate math, such as Math Doesn't Suck.

A classic - Mathematics Made Simple.

I recommend the course guides, such as Cliff's Algebra I. The best ones have clear explanations and lots of questions to practice with, because practice is the name of the game in math. If you can't get to a bookstore that sells different ones, buy a few and use whatever is good. It's worth the money. Used books are cheap at Amazon.

Math advice

Whereas students can zone out in History class while the teacher rambles
on about this and that (which can help for thinking about the lecture,
etc.),they have to listen carefully to a math-science lecture from start to
finish and take good notes. As Eugene Schwartz says in his classic How to Double Your Child's Grades, good math notes are necessary for trading with another good student after a sick day. A good attitude helps - not getting psyched out. Don't give up or be embarrassed to ask for help. Algebra isn't learning a lot of material. It's learning to use a few tools. If you spend a lot of time learning just one tool, it's time well-spent.
2016-12-05 9:38 am
Personally, Danica McKeller's books helped a lot, she explains things really nicely

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