Could I have cancer? Please read?

2016-12-05 2:51 am
I have this red bump on the back of my tongue. It went away for some time but it's back now. It's painful, I can only feel it when I eat though. Could it be cancer???

回答 (6)

2016-12-07 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Cancer Fear Psychosis*:
“An Empty Brain is Devil’s Workshop”
you're not, what you are!
you're not , what I say you are!
you're not , what others say you are!
It must be disproved with real knowledge of cancer. Details follow-----------------
Every visitor should come out of "Cancer-Fear-Psychosis" by studying and discussing with others. None gets cancer overnight. Malignancy develops over years. Details follow----
Carcinophobia/Lymphomaphobia: Fear of Cancer--Please, note that none gets cancer overnight. It takes years to develop any cancer/tumor. The main problem with the most of "You" youngsters is that you people are either dynamic or genius or intelligent or shrewd and sharp intellectuals. The TV channels & Internet are instrumental to ‘YOU’ that it is a fashion to start worrying about ‘CANCER’ for each & every symptom. It is very bad & agonizing trend which is totally wrong.
You people start worrying with half or no knowledge. However, Yahoo Answers blog is an "oasis" in the desert of confusion and worry & the blog became a “safe sanctuary” for the poor, middle class & the gullible patients all over the globe. People with carcinophobia or cancer phobia live with an irrational dread of developing cancer. Every bodily discomfort becomes a sign for them that they have a malignant growth somewhere inside. A headache, for instance, is a sign for them that they have a brain tumor. Just experienced ringing in ears being tinnitus, is taken as Brain tumour. A cyst/an enlarged lymph node, for instance, is a sign for them that they have lymphoma cancer. A cyst/an abscess/menses linked pustule on breast/armpit is taken as breast cancer. Mouth/gingivitis is taken as oral cancer. A mole on the body is apprehended as melanoma. Just because you have lymph nodes doesn't mean you have lymphoma just like having ovaries doesn't mean you have ovarian cancer. A simple accumulation of fat on chest due to hypothyroid/obesity is taken as gynaecomastia-male breast cancer. Chronic constipation+ stomachache are taken as stomach cancer.

Just, wheezing, chest pain and shortness of breath is taken as lung cancer, etc. Any rash/mole on the body is taken as /melanoma/skin cancer. A boil/cyst/pustule/abscess in any part of the body is apprehended as cancer. Pain in testicle[s]/ovary [ies] is perceived as testicular/ovarian cancer. Chronic constipation/thin stools is taken as colon cancer; so on...............Cognitive therapy can help someone with carcinophobia regain control of their
Nothing to fear for any disease be it bacterial, viral, auto-immune disorder, allergy. Hyper-sensitivity, cancer, HIV/AIDS, etc., —an offshoot of bad diet[s] & or genetic disorder[s]. IBS, irregular menses, brain & spinal cord affected disorders and also many other most dreaded diseases.
Any cancer/dreaded disease is curable, if diagnosed early. Acupressure techniques ensure instant diagnosis of any cancer, subject to confirmation by US/MRI/CT/PET Scans and Biopsy after one year.

Any Cancer, lupus, HIV/AIDS, Kaposi’s Sarcoma, etc., —Common Signs & Symptoms:
Sudden loss of weight/stamina, anemia, unbearable pains in any organ despite medication, neuralgia, FATIGUE-getting extremely tired for a little or no work, loss of appetite, unhealed wound in any part of the body for years together, chronic constipation, chronic hemorrhages, haemoptysis, nagging cough, full bloated feeling, small, bean-shaped glands in your neck, armpits, and other places , painless in testes, etc. Cancer may affect from any organ to any organ[s]/system[s].

‘No Cancer’ can ever hit suddenly. It takes years of suffering with unhealed wounds/injuries.
2. Oral Thrush*Mouth*/Tongue*/Lip Ulcers*, Gums*-bleeding-infected gums. These symptoms are taken as oral cancer, which is totally wrong.
Utility--- removes toxins from the body, more so from the mouth, tongue, lips, gums, teeth, stomach, cervix, uterus, lungs, heart, liver, intestines, ears, brain, etc., etc.
. However, you may use sun flower oil, ground nut oil or til oil, rice bran oil, mustard oil, etc. Do not use fully saturated fatty acids and oils--which get solidified in winter season--like, Dalda/Vanaspati, coconut oil or ghee.
Procedure: Every morning, in an empty stomach, take 2 tsp of cooking oil and put it in your mouth and rinse it for 10 minutes; until it becomes white liquid. Spit it out and then rinse with Luke warm water and then brush Ur teeth.

a. Paint Ur tongue, gums, palate, etc., with glycerine-the best oral antiseptic, before sleep every night. OR
b. Dentacane Tube- Just, apply it on the affected gums/teeth/tongue/lips in the night before sleep.

4. Riboflavin tablet ---1 daily.
5. Tips to Ease Mouth Ulcers--• Gargle frequently with a solution made of salt and warm water, the saline mixture sterilizes the mouth
Avoid drinking tea or coffee and spicy foods.
6. Rub garlic onto the ulcer. It may sting but the ulcer maybe gone in
a while.
7. Add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of water and gargle.
Mouth ulcers are due to lack of vitamin C. Drink plenty of orange juice.
8. Munch few raw onions as the sulphur in the onions are good cure for ulcers.
2016-12-06 1:22 pm
you don't have cancer
2016-12-05 3:15 pm
No. After a review of the childish content you continually post, I think it's safe to say that your only real problem is mental and that that is the one problem you will never take seriously.
2016-12-05 1:23 pm
Cancer doesn't go away and come back so not that, probably just a throat infection but ask your doctor if worried
2016-12-05 3:26 am
If this comes and goes it is not cancer.
See a doctor or dentist and find out what it is.
2016-12-05 2:53 am
Unfortunately, it could be. It can also be your taste buds which gets irritated, swollen or inflamed due to irritants and smoking. Oral cancer: This is a rare mouth condition that can cause sores, pain and bumps. See a doctor.

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