where is the oil from the Keystone pipeline to be exported to? To prevent contaminating water why not build a tunnel to provide easy access?

2016-12-04 8:13 pm

the engineers who determined the placement of this line it seems did not consider the issues regarding the Indians water and sacred land... come on. We should be building more refineries and using our own oil besides exporting it... of course we want jobs but lets do things right and honorably... and your suggestions are??

回答 (4)

2016-12-04 8:14 pm
Oil goes to refineries. LOL Trolls are not experts in what delivery systems should consist of. LOL
2016-12-04 8:15 pm
Really Tunnels
2016-12-04 8:43 pm
1) Who said it was to be "exported"?

2) Your civil engineering degree has led you to dream this idea up, is that it?

P.S. Are you confusing the proposed Keystone Pipeline with the virtually-complete Dakota Access Pipeline?

Note: the former will be approved by President Trump in late January or early February, and the latter has already been approved, permitted, and completed with the exception of a very short stretch that you can see on your TV most nights of the week.
2016-12-04 8:15 pm

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